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BICSU Subaward No.: 2002-1505-05 [ X ] New <br /> [ ] Modfficat~on No. <br /> (Subaward Not,ce Contmued) Contact Informatton <br />The parties agree that: pen and mk~ entries to c9 r.r e~c_t mformattor~m Blocks 'I-0: I ):are:not,changes~ reqmrmg lUttlals <br /> <br /> SUBREC1PIENT NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY <br />8 Principal Investigator 9 ProJect D~rector <br /> Name Ms Deborah G Bost Name Dr Eddte L Locklear <br /> Ph 704-920-3310 Fax 704-920-3323 Ph 919-515-8488 Fax 919-515-7812 <br /> Ematl deborah_bost~ncsu edu Emall eddle_iocklear~ncsu edu <br /> <br />10 Negotmtor / Adunmstrator <br /> Name Mr Blmr Bennett (Finance Director) <br /> Ph 704-920-2104 Fax 704-920-2881 <br /> Emad BDBeunett~co cabarrus nc us <br /> Address P O Box 707 <br /> Cabarrus County Government Center <br /> 65 Church Street S E <br /> Concord. NC 28026-0707 <br /> <br />12 Subrec~p~ent F~scal Officer <br /> Name Mr Blmr Bennett (F~nance Dtrector) <br /> Ph 704-920-2104 Fax 704-920-2881 <br /> Emml BDBennett~co cabarrus nc us <br /> Address P O Box 707 <br /> Cabarrus County Government Center <br /> 65 Church Street S E <br /> Concord, NC 28026-0707 <br /> <br />14 Remtttance Address <br /> Cabarrus County <br /> School Age Care Grant (4-H) <br /> P O Box 707 <br /> Concord, NC 28026-0707 <br /> <br />11 Negotmtor / Admlmstrator <br />Name Ms FayB Weaver <br />Ph 919-515-7516or515-2444 Fax 919-515-7721 <br />Emall fay_weaver(~ncsuedu (alt sps~ncsu edu) <br /> NCSU Office of Sponsored Programs <br /> Box 7514, 2230 Stmson Drive, Rm 22 Leazar Hall <br /> Raletgh, NC 27695-7514 <br /> <br />13 <br /> <br />NCSU F~seal Officer <br />Name Mr EarIPulham <br />Ph 919-515-3742 Fax 919-515-4693 <br />Emad eart_pulham~ncsu edu <br />Address <br />NCSU Office of Contracts & Grants <br />Box 7214 (2230 Stmson Dr, Rm I Leazar HaH) <br />Raleigh, NC 27695-7214 <br /> <br />15 Send lnvmces To <br /> Ms Shelley Gardner <br /> Avadabihty Project D~rector <br /> North Carolina State Umverstty <br /> Campus Box 7638 <br /> Raleigh, NC 27695-7638 <br /> <br />16 Incorporation The documents checked are mcorporated ~nto th~s subaward as noted <br />[] NCSU Standard CR Subaward Terms and Condmons, 10-02, by reference, see (http//www ncsu edu/sparcs/subawards/) <br />[] NCSU Standard FP Subaward Terms and Condttmns, 11-02, by reference, see (http//www ncsu edu/sparcs/subawardsf) <br />[] AppendlxA SUBRECIPIENT's Proposal and or Statement ofWork, mcludmg the approved budget, attached <br />[] Appendix B Funding Source Prune Agreement, attached <br />[] Appendix C Certtficahon Regarding Enwronmental Tobacco Smoke <br /> <br />17 Specml Terms & Condmons from # 6, may be continued here <br /> <br />s-21505-00 dot Page 2 of 2 <br /> <br /> <br />