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OBJECTIVES <br /> <br /> Availabthty grant will assist m starhng a new school-age care program in a very <br />populated area of Cabarrus County for 75 youth Cox lVflll will receive a temporary <br />license by August 2002 and will obtam a star rated license by March 2003 <br /> <br /> PLAN OF ACTION <br /> <br /> Cox Mill Kids Plus program will meet in the cafeteria of the school They will <br />have access to the media center, gym, and outdoor play equipment With the assistance <br />of this grant, the cafeteria will be transformed into a safe and nurturing environment for <br />children to relax with a good book, enjoy a nutritious snack, participate in creative arts, <br />soctahze with their fi.tends, or do homework in a comfortable environment Each child <br />will have free choice time to select which center they would like to explore Since the <br />age range is 5-11 years old, it is essential to offer activities that meet a variety of d~fferent <br />needs and interests Centers will be a "hands-on" experience for the children and will <br />participate in such projects as deslgmng a new building in the block center to reading a <br />good book on soit relaxing beanbags or collecting recycle materials for art projects <br />Children will have free choice time for snack and will be able to select several <br />different snacks offered Each day children will have a choice to participate in <br />enrichment time, which wdl be based on a different educattonal theme each week <br />With the assistance of the availability grant, this will become a reality <br />Time Line: <br /> <br />August - September 2002 <br /> <br />o:* Cox Mdl Kids Plus will be approved for Building, Fire and Sanitation inspections and <br /> <br /> will receive their temporary license <br /> <br /> <br />