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BUDGET NARRATIVE <br /> <br />Educational Materials - Incentives will be used to purchase materials and fumishtngs to <br />enable Cox Mdl to perform as a quahty Itcensed school age care program System <br />Manger will conduct observations to determine educational materials that are needed to <br />obtmn a high star rating Educational materials wtll be purchased in the hne ttems <br />~nclud~ng <br /> <br /> Storage- $4,000 No cabinets or storage umts have been supplied for the center. <br />In order to keep the center orgamzed and clean, the need of storage umts is a must <br /> <br /> ManipulativesfMath/Block Centers - $5,500. Purchases will include Legos, <br />K'Nex, d~fferent styles and shapes &blocks, gears work station, and educational games <br />that will assist with letter and number recognition <br /> <br /> Science/Discovery - $2,500 Purchase will include magnet actMty k~ts, <br />mtcroscopes, telescopes, hfe science k~ts, resource books, astronomy kits, science <br />resource books <br /> <br /> Dramatic Play/Music - $4,000 Multicultural dolls, career dress-up clothes, <br />multi-ethnic family puppets, kttchen set, foods of many lands, multi-cultural rhythm set, <br />vartous tapes and ed's including classical and multtcultural <br /> <br /> Art - $3,000 Purchases will include art carts, storage contmners, art easels, and <br />resource books <br /> <br /> Language Arts/Social Studies - $4,000 Reading books including classical <br />books, chapter books, subject related books, learmng games, writing center with books <br />and resources, globes, and thematic umts <br /> <br /> 9 <br /> <br /> <br />