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because of thetr awareness that measures are betng taken by the county to audit for <br />comphance. <br /> <br />The selectton of taxpayers for auditing would proceed according to the following steps: <br /> <br />Step 1 - Review data from listing process and compare to previous years listing <br />to search for discrepancies. Choose those for audit based on questionable data <br /> <br />Step 2 - Set up valuatton tters by bus~ness category and use random auditing <br />either by alpha or valuation sampling method. An analysis should be conducted <br />by the county and by the contracted audit firm to determine those taxpayers that <br />have previously been audited either by the county or autht firm. It would then <br />make sense that those which remain, as never having been audited, receive the <br />strongest attention. Concentrating on this criteria should generate the greatest <br />potential for the discovery of revenue <br /> <br />Step 3 - Use the outside auditors for all of those requmng out-of-county travel <br />since those companies may have headquarters located in other states. <br /> <br />Step 4 - Get started immediately as every calendar year lost is a year of <br />d~scovered revenue that is lost forever. <br /> <br />We currently have a contract with Tax Management Associates, Inc (TMA) and only <br />need your approval to move forward Their past commitment and association with <br />Cabarrus County has certainly proven beneficial They have approximately 60 counties <br />~n N C using their auditing services. Outhned below are their fees <br /> <br /> Account Class Current Pers. Prop. Value Per Audit Fee <br /> Range <br />A $0 to $400,000 $650 <br />B $400,001 to $1,000,000 $1,105 <br />C $1,000,001 to $5,000,000 $1,625 <br />D Greater than $5,000,000 S5,200 <br /> <br />I believe th~s is the only company that has the staffof dedicated auditors avmlable to <br />complete a vast and comprehensive approach in a timely manner. Also, they have no <br />other applicable fees, regardless of man-hours to complete the audit, or defense of the <br />audit through the appeals process <br /> <br />The county will also investtgate other firms later to be considered and evaluated. <br /> <br /> <br />