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tax revenue for a track and field faclllty, Mr Day stated no additional <br />information has been recelved from the developer and it appears unlikely the <br />project will locate in Cabarrus County Finally, he asked the Board to <br />authorize a study by Bullock Smith & Partners, Consultants ,n Fair,round and <br />Design, at a cost of $1,250 00 to develop plans for the midway Improvements <br /> <br /> Commissioner Carruth reported on plans by the City of Concord to build <br />a convention center ad3acent to a hotel to be const~cted by John Q Ha~nons <br />The City has rec~/ested that the revenue from the two cents hotel OCcupancy <br />tax generated at the Ha~mons Hotel be dedicated to the debt serwlce for the <br />convention center <br /> <br />Bureau, reported on a recent retreat of the Tourism Authority with the <br />hospitality industry in Cabarrus County She stated the industry members are <br />supportive of the Arena but a ma3orlty of the hospitality representatives <br />feel the hotel occupancy t~ should be used for strictly tourlsm-related <br />activities She Indicated that further discussions are needed with the <br />hospitality industry to get their Input regarding the ~z~po funding proposal <br /> <br />the County to compete with other C~tleS for events <br /> <br /> Ms Auble W Cook, Vice Chair of the Tourism Authority Board of <br />D~rectors, presented comments concerning the use of the hotel occupancy tax <br />revenue, the different t~es of events that would be held at a convention <br />center and the Expo and the number of room nights that would be generated by <br />each facility She Btated in her oplnlon the revenue from the t~ percent <br />hotel Occupancy tax should be used toward advertlslng and marketing programs <br />to promote tourism-related actlv/tles in Cabarrus County <br /> <br /> Mr Mark Chappuls, Expo general Manager, reported on recent a~d planned <br />activities at the Expo and the hotel n~ghts associated with those eveRts <br /> <br /> Mr Mike Do~s, P~bllc Safety Services Director, and Mr Jonathan <br />Marshall, Plannln9 and zoning Se~lces Director, reviewed the plans for <br />constructln9 addltlonal parking at the Expo They also dlscussed the access <br />road to be built to the School Administrative complex and parking at that <br />facility <br /> <br /> Ms Cindy Fertembaugh, member of the Cabarrus County Board <br />Educatlon, expressed concerns about ~he availability of parking and security <br /> <br /> Mr Joh~ Cox, Executive Director o~ the CabarI~us Reglonal Chamber of <br />Commerce and member Of the Tour/sm Authority Board of Dlrectors, stated the <br />Chamber's support of the Expo However, he expressed concern about the <br />proposal to use the hotel occupancy tax r~venue resez~;e funds for <br />improvements at the EXpo He stated that discussions are needed between the <br />County a~d the Tourism Authorlty regardln~ the use of those reserve f%hnds <br /> <br /> There was lengthy discussion re~ardl~g the Expo facal~ty and use of the <br />hotel occupancy t~ rese~-~e funds Issues addressed by the Board included <br />the following (1) potential for ~our~sm-related events at the Expo, (2) ~he <br />possibility of competition between a convention center and the Fz(po for the <br />same events, (3) the need to proceed with the Expo improvements, (4) the need <br />to work with the Tourzsm Authority concernlng the use of the hotel occupancy <br />tax revenue, and (5} the zmportance of tourism to the County's economy <br /> <br /> Mr Hartsell responded to questions concerning the use of the proceeds <br />from th~ flve percent hotel Occupancy tax He confirmed ~hat the revenue <br /> <br /> Mr RiC Starnes stated that as an event promoter he had done business <br />with several convent/on centers aBSoclated with John Q Hammons fac/lltles <br />Pe ob3ected to uslng any of ho~el occupancy tax revenue for a proposed <br />convention center l~ Concord and stated in hls opinion the revenue should be <br />used ~or the Expo facility and the prcmotlo~ of tourism in Cabarrus Co~ty <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Prlvette, seconded by Vice Chalz~an Sugps <br />and unanimously carrled, the Board approved $1,250 00 for the study to be <br /> <br /> <br />