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Resolution No. 2002-21 <br /> <br /> RESOLUTION <br /> AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION <br /> IN THE 8TM DISTRICT <br /> COMPREHENSIVE ECONONIIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY (CEDS) <br /> <br />The Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners hereby resolves to parhcipate m the <br />Dtstrtct Comprehenstve Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) It hereby authortzes <br />the following appointments to the Committee <br /> <br />Commtssioner Robert Freeman is appointed as an officta[ voting member. <br />Comrmsstoner Arne Fennel ,s appointed as au oftic~a[ voting member <br /> <br />County Manager Frank Chfton ,.~ appointed as a non-voting ex-officio member. <br />Authorized in the County of Cabarrus, North Carohna, this ~gday of August, 2002. <br /> <br /> Cha~-~an Of County Commtsmoners <br /> <br />SEAL <br /> <br />12/16/02 - The Board named Commissioner Carolyn Carpenter to the <br /> position previously held by Arne Fennel <br /> <br /> <br />