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CABARRUS COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br /> <br />Meeting Date: January 27, 2003 <br /> <br />Agenda Item #...~-,~ <br /> <br />SUBJECT: Appotntments- Planmng and Zontng Commtsston <br /> <br />The terms of appotntment for the followmg members end on January 31 Dewey Moose -Townshtp <br />2 (Served stnce 1995), Carl Htll- At Large (complettngfirst term ofappotntmenO, Clyde M Drye, <br />.Ir -Townshtps 5/6/7 (Served stnce 1994 - 6 years as regular member, 3 years as alternate), <br />Edward S Moose - Alternate (Served 3 years as regular member, 9 years as alternate) <br /> <br />The Board appotnted John Edward L~ttlefield to the Tourtsm Authortty on December 16 The <br />Appotntment Pohcy hmtts servtce to one appotnted board/commtttee unless the Board makes an <br />exception to the pohcy <br /> <br />Thomas B Dwtggms (At-large) passed away on January 8 <br /> <br />REQUESTED ACTION: <br />(1)Appomt/reappotnt members for 3-year terms endtng January 31, 2006 for the followtng <br />pos~ttons Townshtp 2, At large, Townshtps 5/6/7, and Alternate <br />(2) Appotnt an Alternate Member to complete an unexptred term endtng January 31, 2005 <br />(3) Appoint an At-large member to complete an unexptred term endtng danuary 31, 2005 <br /> <br />Attachments x Yes No <br />Submitted by: Suste Bonds <br /> <br />Expected Length of Presentation: <br /> Date. 1/15/03 <br /> <br />Budget Amendment Required: Yes x No <br />Budget Amendment Attached and Reviewed by Budget Officer: Yes __No <br /> <br />Budget Officer's Initials <br /> <br />Date <br /> <br />County Manager's Recommendations/Comments: <br /> <br />Manager's Initials <br /> <br />Action Taken: <br />Approved I ] Deferred <br />Dented [ 1 Other <br /> <br /> <br />