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~"~'~lannlng and Zoning Comm,sslon M,nutes <br />V December 19, 2002 <br /> <br />Paqe 14 '~""~' <br /> <br />D~rector's Report <br /> <br />Mr. Jonathan B. Marshall, Planning _Services D~rector, addressed the Board <br />stating the Board is coming up on reappomtment time The appointment w~ll be <br />made ~n _]anuary and effective at the February 200_3 meeting There are five <br />vacancies. Two of those recumbents are Mr. Drye and Mr. Moose and they have <br />been on the Board for s~x years and the Board's pohcy ~s you cannot serve longer ' <br />than s~x years. Mr. Drye has md~cated that he wou.d hke to be considered for an <br />alternate, which we have done in the past. Mr. Marshall sa~d if it is the Board's <br />wish, he will pass th~s on to the Commissioners that Mr. Drye would like to be. <br />considered for that slot. He sa~d~the, r.e are actually two slots for alternates and ~f <br />Mr. Moose would hke the same, he w~ll pass that on also. Mr. Marshall sa~d <br />Eddie L~ttlefield who ~s another alternate has been appo.nted to another board. <br />He w~ll be reslgmng from th~s board as an alternate. <br /> <br />The Chair said w~thout object~on he thinks ~t would be appropriate for the Board <br />to pass on to the Commissioners for consideration the appointment of Mr. Drye <br />and Mr. Moose as alternates. <br /> <br />Mr. Marshall sa~d we will have two new full members to this board and we w~ll be <br />go~ng through some training prior, to the February meeting All members are <br />welcome to aEend. He sa!d as the members need ~t or ~f they want a specific <br />~tem of training or you have specific questions, just contact our office. <br /> <br /> <br />