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Centrelina Area Agency on Aging Home and Community Care Block Grant Process <br /> Committee Membership For <br /> The Home and Community Care Block Grant <br /> Advisory Committee <br />County Cabarrus FY' 2004 <br /> <br />Name Address and Phone Number Agency Reprasentabve Term of Office <br />Betty Babb 590 Weshvood Dr, NC Sen~or Tarheel 7/1/03-6/30/05 <br /> Kannapohs, 704-938-2744 Legislature <br />Estelle Ferraro 214 Henderson C~r, Consumer 7/1103-6130/05 <br /> Harnsburg, 704-455-2528 <br />Paul Gebhardt P O Box 872, Concord, NC Senior Tarheel 7/1/03-6/30/05 <br /> 704-788-4640 Legmlature <br />Kelly F S~fford P O Box 707, Concord, Cabarrus County Planning 1/1/03-6/30/05 <br /> 704-920-2142 Department <br />Richard Suggs P O Box 707, Concord, Cabarrus Co Board of 711/03-6/30/05 <br /> 704-400-2794 Commissioners <br />Robin Swanngen P O Box 308, Concord, C~ty of Concord 7/1/03-6/30/05 <br /> 704-920-5614 <br />Ga~l Linker 915 Newsier Rd, Concord Careg~ver 7/1103-6130105 <br /> 704-786-3832 Adult Day Services <br />Ex Officio <br />Chas~ty Stoker P O Box 707, Concord, Ex~officio 7/1/03..6130105 <br /> 704-920-3484 <br />M~ke Murphy P O Box 707, Concord, Ex-officio 7/1103-6/30105 <br /> 704-920-3484 <br />Laune Abounader AAA P O box 35008 Ex-officio 711103-6/30105 <br /> Charlotte, 704-348-2739 <br />Susan Caudle Coltrane LIFE Center, 321 Ex-officio 711/03-6130/05 <br /> Corban Ave., Concord, <br /> 704-788-1215 <br /> <br />Please maml th~s form to Gayla S Woody, Aging Program Admimstrator, Centralina Council of <br />Governments, P. O. Box 35008, Charlotte, NC 28235 <br /> <br />8102 <br /> <br />?4 <br /> <br /> <br />