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3) <br /> <br />program responsibilities for three of our program administrators, and affords <br />more flexible and efficient use of existing staff. <br />Reassignn~nt of one of the five existing program administrator positions as <br />Deputy Director, responsible for administrative management agency-wide, <br />and reassilt;nment of the Business Manager position (previously assigned as <br />head of tile Administration Division) as Administrative Officer, responsible <br />for the Finance Unit and for financial management. These changes were <br />required to give us the capacity to strengthen management of internal <br />operations, especially of financial systems, as well as of external <br />relationshiss and issues. (When the Administrative Officer is in place) the <br />changes W~ill provide me as director the increased ability I have needed to <br />work in file community, and at the state level, to collaborate, develop <br />resources, iimprove policies, and advocate for the county and the needs of our <br />citizens. They will permit the Deputy Director to devote needed attention to <br />all adminit~trative functions (as opposed to having to spend virtually all of her <br />time on financial operations.) The Administrative Officer will help in <br />developing grant, volunteer and community resources. <br /> <br />The two ~tttached organization charts, one depicting the organization as it <br />was 3-1-0:~, and the other as it has been from 12-1-02, reflect the changes in <br />assignmerSs we have made for these managers. <br /> <br /> (Position descriptions for the four affected management positions have been <br /> forwarded, through County Human Resources to State Personnel for <br /> classification, and have been classified at the requested levels.) <br />4) Privatizati~n of the in-home aide component of the CAP-DA Program. This <br /> limited co~s, and helped to assure the continued viability of this important <br /> program. : <br />5) Spemahza,tiort of staff working in economic services programs. We believe <br /> this change will enable staff in these programs to manage heavier caseloads. <br />6) Development of new expense and revenue tracking and reporting systems. <br /> These syst~rns have allowed us to greatly improve our budget management, <br /> and especially to make optimal use of federal and state funding available to <br /> the county, <br />7) Use of resOurce management technology and monthly performance reporting. <br /> These systems have allowed us to carefully track productivity and quality of <br /> work acro~B the Department, to identify needs, and to deploy available staff <br /> in the mos~ effective way. <br /> <br /> We have revie~wed these changes with the Social Services Board as they have <br />been implemented. At its January 28 monthly meeting, we do plan to present these <br />materials relating to tile requested reclassifications, and to seek the Board's endorsement <br />in proceeding to bring ~he request forward. <br /> <br />Request <br /> <br /> I believe that it'is important we proceed with the reallocation of these positions to <br />the appropriate classifications now. There are two reasons: a) Until the positions are <br />classified, we can not fill the Administrative Officer position. That position is essential <br />to strengthening finanq:al management, and to permitting the Deputy Director and me to <br />do the jobs we need to ~o in this organization structure, b) Waiting further is unfair to <br /> <br /> <br />