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ICi AIIltU5 CI1UHIYI <br />NnRTH £AfllILINA <br /> <br />MEMORANDUM <br /> <br />TO: <br />FROM: <br />DATE: <br />SUBJECT: <br /> <br />John Day, Interim County Manli~er ?~/,f / <br />Jim Cook, Social Services Direc~ixr'~ iff~''''~ <br />1-28-03 ~ <br />Request the BOC Authorize Two New StaffPositions <br /> <br /> I am writing to ask that the Board of Commissioners consider, at the February <br />meeting, our budget amendment request which would create two new Income <br />Maintenance Caseworker positions to help with the dramatic increase in the Medicaid <br />and Food Stamp Program caseloads we have experienced in recent months. I am <br />proposing the use of funding available to the department which would enhance the <br />reimbursement rate on the cost of these positions to as much as 90% federal, leaving a <br />county cost for the remainder of the year at $2,592. (The budget amendment request, <br />assumes a more conservative match rate of 82% federal, at a county cost of $4,587. This <br />matching amount is provided through reduction of already-budgeted funds.) As the <br />amendment affects revenues and two positions are requested, this will need to be <br />considered by the Board of Commissioners. <br /> <br />Back~round <br /> <br /> The attached chart entitled "Comparison of Caseload and Staffing...July 01 and <br />December 02" reflects that caseloads for Medicaid, Food Stamps, and Medicaid <br />Transportation have increased from 11,516, to 15,055, an increase of 31%, during this <br />18-month period. Staff available to handle this caseload has decreased a net 10 positions, <br />or 17%, during this same period, especially with the dramatic budget cuts made in March <br />02'. <br /> Our staff in income maintenance programs has performed admirably. They have <br />reorganized and instituted specialization to handle heavier workloads. Resource <br />management (industrial engineering) measures taken monthly show productivity at above <br />120%. However, accuracy (82.71%), and especially timeliness (76.54%) of work, have <br />been persistent problems. We have substantial concern that the county is vulnerable to <br />state quality control-identified paybacks for errors. We have just recently had corrective <br />action requirements in the Food Stamp Program, and we failed the December report card <br />for timeliness (of processing and issuance) in the Medicaid Program. Citizens who apply <br />for assistance are waiting far too long to be seen. Staff earned a total of 235 hours of <br />comp time in December, the equivalent of 1 and a third additional staff members. Staff <br />members are having difficulty dealing with the heavy workload, extra hours of work, and <br />constant stress. <br /> We have available some $22,000 in federal "de-linking" funds which can be used <br />to enhance the normal reimbursement rate for staff from 50% to 75% or 90%, if the staff <br /> <br /> Department of Social Services <br />1303 South Cannon Blvd Kannapohs, NC 28083 (704)920-1400 <br /> <br /> <br />