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ICABARRUSCOUNIYJ <br />NORTH CAROLINA <br /> <br /> A RESOLUTION BY THE <br />CABARRUS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />HONORING THE MEMORY OF <br /> JOSHUA B. EARLEY <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the citizens of Cabarrus County and surrounding area were deeply saddened by the death of <br />Joshua B. Ea~ley on March 6, 2002, from injuries suffered while fighting a house fn:e on Harrisburg Road in <br />Mecklenburg County; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the 23-year-old firefighter was a native of Midland and graduated from Central Cabarms <br />High School in 1997, from Central Piedmont Community College in 1999 and from the Charlotte Fire Academy in <br />2001; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, Josh Earley developed a passion for firefightmg early in life and began his firefighting career <br />while in high school, serving as a junior firefighter with the Harrisburg Volunteer Fire Department; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, Josh Earley achieved his career goal as a professional fn:eflghter when he became a full-time <br />fn:eman with the Charlotte Fire Department, working at Station 27 on US Highway 29 and responding to fire and <br />medical emergencies at UNC Charlotte, University Hospital and area businesses and homes; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, Josh Earley loved his work as a fireman and, on his days off from his regular employment, <br />continued to serve the community by working part-time with Harrisburg Fire and Rescue; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, Josh Earley epitomized the highest principles and values expected of a firefighter and <br />selflessly and tirelessly devoted himself to his duties, justly earning the respect, admiration and high regard of his <br />fellow firefighters as well as all with whom he came into contact. <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Cabarms County Board of Commissioners honors the <br />memory of <br /> <br />JOSHUA B. EARLEY <br /> <br />and expresses the gratitude and appreciation of this County and its citizens for the life and service of this dedicated <br />firefighter who made the ultimate sacrifice in responding to the need of others. <br /> <br />Adopted this the 15t~ day of April, 2002. <br /> <br />~~eman, Chatrman <br />Cabarrus oC'~nty Board of Commissioners <br /> <br /> <br />