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~eb <br /> <br />OG O3 <br /> <br />02:14p Rn <br /> <br />rubsidjes t"or itidividu~uJ~ <br />who have been on the w~ <br />have gl'oat difl'icult¥ iu-t~rn~ <br /> <br />A.ssessments o.~Otl~' A <br />for supportiYe housing <br />sources are aware of thc <br />housing. These figur~ d~ <br />awareness in thc eom~muni <br />following results <br />supportive housing: <br /> <br />· According to <br /> Homelcssucs., <br /> cities surv~yc <br /> in thc r~qu~stS <br /> l~melr, ss shell <br /> shclte~ of <br /> individuals se <br /> health problc~ <br /> were dually di <br /> <br />· The Concord <br /> waitln8 list <br /> currently Itu 7.. <br /> <br />~el Pinkerton <br /> <br />386-6?2-2749 <br /> <br />~ith dis~bilitief~, and those ~tv-ilable slots g~ratly ere ~werded to indlvidu~ls <br />ting list for many years. Even when clients receive a $cotion 8 subsidy, ahoy <br />ling arousing aha! is decent and located in a s~t'e neighbo[hood, <br /> <br />~nclestlndivMuals: Other ~encies and individuals attest to the umnct ttccd <br />people with severe nnd pcrsislent mental ilhsesa (~PMI). Ti~c comnn~nity <br />needs o~' these individuals .nd attest to the increasing nerd for supportive <br />not duplicate the individuals identified by the Area Authority and attest to lhe <br />ly of' the need for the p~oposed group home. Theie ~ources hs~e provided (he <br />nssc--ssit~nts of the numl~er or individuals with ment,~l illness in need of <br /> <br />the December 2001 report of ~ US cotffc~ci~ce of MJyor's Survey <br />~nd ~ungcr, both of these problems rose sharply in 2001. Of the 27 major <br />'foCh~rlmte, NC wu one of !bom, ali experienced an zveragc increase of 13% <br /> r cmergeocy shelter. Coopenttive Christian Ministries (CC,M) opcralcs tile <br />."r in Caban~ts Count~ and reports ~t similar rise in the requests for emerge~tcy <br />~ ove~ thc previous year. Additifln_n_lly, CCM rcporl~ tljat of the <br /> <br />i'rd by the shelter, ~proximatcly 102 (32%) were identifl~l as ha~ng me~,lal <br />~ and 29.-(~)%) As having alcohol tfld/or drug pxobleflxs, and 13 (4%) wlxo <br />~gnosed. <br /> <br />tossing Authority 'r~poxts that it currently-has 1 $~ p~sons/fmmlics on thc <br />r public ho~in~ a.s~istancc. Thc Housin$ Authority also lcporls ~at it <br />10 persons/families on the waiting list for Section 8 housing. <br /> <br />~i~: Tl~cre is"wid.~lsprcad awareness in the Ares Autl~orily's catchment area of the need ['or <br />.s-up.por_tive-housin$ f~_j).e~lo with sevcre and pcr~istent mental illness ($PMI3. Thcre arc an cstimnt0d <br />total of 1,965 people with ~IPM! in thc catchment area. including at least 70 individuals identified by thc <br />, who nJ'~ inihe, ed-of m,ppot~ive housing. Currently, available to these i,~dividt, ais are only <br /> <br />Thus, there is a need ~'or. <br />Authority clients to ~ set <br />supportive housing that <br />shcltcr. The Ar~a Aull~ril <br />ofulcntal hcalth services <br /> <br />specifically identified unmct need of $6 supportivc housing be. ds for Area <br />~1 by. th~ proposed proj~t. Additionally, there is a larger group in nccd of <br /> currently living with aging parents, in rest homes, and in the heretic, ss <br />~taff.and conununity organizations will work togcther to idcntify COU~Utlll~tI <br />lo fall into these categories. <br /> <br />p.6 <br /> <br /> <br />