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III. <br /> <br /> and how we i~lentify and deal with it, 2) follow-up with clients once they <br /> leave the pro~ram, 3) the ever increasing teenage drop-out rate in schools as a <br /> result ofteenl quitting to go to work and supplement the family's income, and <br /> 4) ESL class~ for both children and their parents. <br /> <br />Outcomes and (]__oals for the County <br /> <br />A. Statewide V~l)rk First Goals 1. Reducing~e Work First Caseload: 44 <br /> 2. Adults E~ering Employment: 41 <br /> 3. Remaininlg offWork First for Employment: 85% <br /> 4. Providingl._Diversion Assistance: 45 <br /> 5. Providin~Employment Services: <br /> a. All-pairent: 75% <br /> b. Two-t~arent: 100%o <br /> 6. Meeting ..~). % All Parent Participation Rate: 50% <br /> 7. Meeting .9]0_% Two Parent Participation Rate: 90% <br /> 8. Increasin~ Child Support Collections by 4%: $3,420,006.00 <br /> 9. Increasin~ Child Support Orders by 3%: 355 <br /> 10. Employe~ 6 Months After Leaving Work First (60% goal): 60% <br /> 11. Employed 12 Months After Leaving Work First (50% goal): 50% <br /> <br /> ? <br /> <br /> The methods for achieving the above goals are described in Section IV below. <br /> <br />B. County Dev~oped Outcome Goals <br /> <br />1. Prevention3 of Welfare Dependency: It will continue to be the goal of <br /> Cabarrus County DSS to provide necessary services when feasible to <br /> prevent w~lfare dependency. This should occur in 70% of the cases where <br /> an able bo~lied adult requests Work First cash assistance, and is seen by an <br /> Employm_~nt Social Worker through the New Focus diversion. Efforts <br /> will conti~lue to be made to strengthen and effectively use short-term <br /> i ~ <br /> ass stance.!programs, coupled with family and financial counseling to <br /> prevent at, application for ongoing cash welfare. <br />2. Use of W~ge Supplementation (Grant Diversion) to encourage <br /> employer~ to hire Work First recipients: Work First cash assistance and <br /> Food Stan~p benefits will be frozen and diverted to supplement salaries <br /> when it is ~etermined that recipients receiving employment services need <br /> this optiori to encourage employers to hire them. Lack of or poor work <br /> histories a~d the status of the economy can contribute to the need for wage <br /> supplementation. It is the goal to have 6 of these wage supplementation <br /> positions ~eated during each fiscal year. <br />3. Providin~Optimal Living Situations for Children in Child-Only <br /> Work Fir~it Cases: Depending on staffing, Cabarms County DSS will <br /> work wheO possible with children in child-only Work First cases to best <br /> assure tha~ they are living in the most secure and caring situation possible. <br /> <br /> <br />