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F. Substance Al~use Services <br /> The Work FirSt Employment staff completes an AUDIT/DAST-10 on all <br /> recipients whd apply for WFFA ..... · ,-^. ~t. ...... ,. .... 'S' ~ .... ' or those <br /> who are 'child only' cases. The Employment Social Worker completes the <br /> screening and assesses the need to refer. The procedure for the following <br /> scenarios is a~ follows: <br /> · If the asselsment is negative (no evidence of substance abuse), the <br /> recipient s~gns the release form in the event that they should develop a <br /> problem d~ring the time that they are a WFFA recipient. This release <br /> allows thelsocial worker to make referrals to identified agencies and also <br /> to allow f~!_ low-up with agencies to assure that the recipient is complying <br /> with recorimended treatment provided by the counselor as indicated in the <br /> Mutual ReSponsibility Agreement (MRA). <br /> · If the asseisment is positive (evidence of substance abuse), the social <br /> worker contacts the substance abuse counselor at Piedmont Behavioral <br /> Healthcar~ The counselor schedules an appointment, sends an <br /> appointme!)_ t letter, and notifies the social worker of the appointment. The <br /> social wor~er and counselor have contact to assure that the recipient is <br /> keeping thg appointments and following through with recommended <br /> treatment. ! <br /> · If the asselsment is negative, but the social worker suspects by actions, <br /> appearance, and conduct that some substance abuse may be present, the <br /> Substance -_~buse Screening Tool is used. If the result of this is positive, <br /> the recipient is referred to Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare, for <br /> assessmen!. <br /> <br /> Presently ~e TANF funds, Substance Abuse Initiative Fund, have been <br /> cut to 75-89% of the previous year's level. The initial $50.00 assessment <br /> fee had be~n previously charged to this fund, but this may not be the case <br /> in FY 200~[-05. PBH has indicated that they will continue to work with <br /> DSS on thi~ initiative due to the small number of recipients referred. <br /> <br />G. Family Viole '_'_~ce Option <br /> The NotificatiOn of Family Violence Option form is reviewed with each <br /> recipient assessed in Work First, with the exception of 'child-only' cases. At <br /> the present tin~, there have been no applicants who have used the waiver to <br /> receive a WFF'~ check. <br /> <br /> If the social w4rker has a recipient with a domestic violence issue, they can <br /> assist them as ~eeded with domestic violence funds, and refer them to <br /> Cabarrus Vict'_'..~ns Assistance Network (CVAN), counseling at PBH, or private <br /> counseling. P '_.~sently, CVAN does not work directly with DSS due their <br /> confidentiality~issues. Social workers can refer a recipient to CVAN and <br /> allow them to make their own call to this organization. <br /> <br /> <br />