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sufficiency. The ~ew Focus, had as its primary objective, a family assessment <br /> prior to any application for assistance at DSS. Through this assessment, many <br /> needs were identified, and addressed. In 75% of the cases, an application for <br /> Work First was m}t needed. <br /> <br /> Due to increasing::.numbers applying for Work First, due to the economy, the <br /> limited employm __e~rtt staff has begun to encounter a backlog of cases that require <br /> attention with employment services to help them secure a job, and be free of <br /> public assistance 1}efore their time-clock runs out. <br /> ; <br /> <br /> After discussions .ivith several counties, who have taken the New Focus and <br /> modified it for their needs, Cabarrus DSS has once again modified their plans to <br /> meet its needs. Tliis is done so that applicants can get a clear picture off 1) what <br /> the expectations a~e of someone applying for Work First, and 2) existing Work <br /> First families can [~e serviced with employment services. <br /> <br /> Cabarms County Ii)SS is presently planning on testing a project to accomplish <br /> both objectives. Tlte system that is being tested operates as follows; <br /> · When a potent!al applicant comes to the department and requests Work First <br /> on the agency [act sheet, they see eligibility Intake. If it is an adult case, the <br /> applicant is intbrmed that they must do the following: <br /> 1. Attend an Orientation session prior to applying for WFFA. They are given <br /> a flier whicla informs them of the schedule for Orientation, which is the <br /> first step ir!_the Work First application process. <br /> 2. Encourage4 to see an ESC Employment Consultant to complete a 1st Stop <br /> registratio~before they attend Orientation. If a client is an applicant for <br /> WFFA, theF must complete a 1st Stop registration in order to apply for <br /> WFFA cas~ benefits. <br /> 3. Have the o~portunity to apply for Medicaid and/or Food Stamps on the <br /> day they fi~t come to the office and see a Crisis worker about any <br /> program in ~that area. <br />· At Orientationi the applicant sees the Work First Employment social workers <br /> in a group settilig, and is informed about the following: <br /> 1. A description of the WFFA application process <br /> 2. A detailed description of employment services requirements, including <br /> work requirements, time limits, sanctions, supportive services, <br /> terminations, etc. <br /> 3. The benefiti of becoming self-sufficient and self-supporting, discouraging <br /> dependenc~ on welfare, and emphasizing work and responsibility. <br />· As a result ofl~rientation, the applicant has a clear picture of the Work First <br /> program at DS~, and can decide on one of two options: <br /> 1. Apply for '~FFA and comply with employment services requirements <br /> 2. Not apply f~r WFFA and either leave or apply for any other assistance <br /> they so choose. <br /> <br /> <br />