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NORTH CAROLINA <br />CABARRUS COUNTY <br /> <br />;.~'~, v Section 00020 · <br />-~,~Adverlisement for Bids <br />NolJce` ia_ gtven hereby that <br />seal~ p~als ~11 be <br />~ by ~e ~s Coun- <br /> <br /> '~mm~iately_~er~ <br />[fie[ pab~lc~ ~n~ <br /> me ';~mishlng _of_~la~r,/ <br />~tedab; ~nd ~uipm~t <br /> <br /> Renovation; ' to <br /> Ca~m= CounW Cou~- <br /> <br />~le P~e 8~;~dl,>~e ~J <br />ivy', for G~em <br />'~ll mclude <br />,~;[~ ,,~.~....,. _.. , A Pedormance 'Bond will~ <br />;for .b~dlng ~dl ~' 18, be ~u~red 'for"~-hu~ <br />~s fol~s' - ,..~ _~-". perc~t (t~%) f~' ~ ~e Con- <br />~¢ene~ mn~t ~de~ tact Pnce ~d. a P~y~ent <br /> <br />-of. p~ and 's~. Hundr~ per~t~(1~%) .of' <br />~-IOcJudlng ~umbing. <br /> <br /> ment ~-311~ ~-:~/J ~:~L- _ <br /> ~ ~um~w No. bid~ m~y b~ ~t~ra~n a~- <br /> er-~e <br /> _of ~e' A~i~n~ for. <br /> <br /> ,.~ ~:--., ~ . ~ ~e ~er r~e~es.~e dght! <br /> <br />~rs may ~'eceive 'K,~ ~:op- <br />~f ,~a b, Fd.~bcumenis listed <br />~ u~n ~yment of a <br />~ d~t (~.~ '~ <br />'~plete~ m~le <br />set m~m~ to ~e <br /> <br />~eable ~, 'wi~n <br />fs a~r ~e ~d ~mng. <br /> <br />W ~sr ~ pay- <br />of ~0.~ ~r set, <br />abra, " <br /> <br />hat,: ~ 'm~t- · <br />I~e~e ~dsr ~ Sale <br />~v~l~ ~elr msp~. <br /> <br /> ~' ~t' ~8~ to <br />~P~-~8 ~ount:of <br />~.a my file ,"a ,bid <br /> <br />~ w~ , c~ <br />reded. ~e - deposit <br />d b~er gals e exe- <br />rt ~e awa~ or f~ls <br /> <br />to reJect any or ail b~ds, '~to. <br />waive Informalltms, ~.~and _t~ <br />award contacts in, t~e bast m- <br />rarest of the Owner, '~ <br />RobertFmeman, CheJr 'i. t',~' "1 <br /> <br />Cabarrus Count~ 'Board of <br />Commissioners .... <br /> <br />The Independent Tribune <br /> <br />On this, the c~ \ -5'~" day of <br /> <br />,, <br /> <br />20_~2L <br /> <br />of The INDEPENDENT TRIBUNE, certifies that the annexed <br />advertisement was duly inserted in the paper on the <br />following dates: <br /> <br />and was published therein for <br /> <br />total cost of this advertisement $ <br />Signed ~'~.,~,_' <br /> <br />weeks. The <br /> <br /> <br />