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DRAFT <br />February 17, 200~ Page 46 <br /> <br /> W~ would l~k~ ~o r~main on =he Commissioners agenda Monday nigh~ <br /> ~o briefl~ de~ail =he City's support for k~eping ~he Court <br /> facilities i down~own, =he reason for our concern over ~oving <br /> elsewhere, ~ and =o re$pec=fullY offer ~he City's assistance in <br /> iden~lfyin~ down~own locations which could resul~ in a site <br /> m~e~s our ~u=ual goals. <br /> <br /> w~ ar~ ~in%ere in our efforts =o work with ~h~ County =o do what <br /> is bes~ fo~ our citizens. <br /> <br /> Sincerely, ~ <br /> /s/ Br~an ~ <br /> W. Brian H~a=~ <br /> City Manager <br /> <br /> Mr. Jim .~reene, Assistant City Manager for the City of Concord, <br />reiterat~d the ~£=y's 6e~ire to keep the Courthouse in downtown Concord, <br />stating =he facility is needed to sustain re¢~nt investments and continu~ the <br />growth of the do, town ar~a. With the use of a PowerPoin~ presentation, Mr. <br />Greene and Mr. ~t~v~ Osborne (Assistant Planning Director for the City of <br />Concord) gave a~ overview of recent activities in downtown Concord, future <br />91anned dev~lop~nts and r~asons =o keep the Courthouse in downtown. Mr. <br />Osborn~ revi~wed~the activities of =he last 18 months in downto~"n Concord, <br />in¢lud~ng 16 ne~ businesses and creation o~ ~3 new jobs. He outlined the <br />future planned } developments, including the continuation of numerous <br />renovations int4 office, retail and residential spaces as well as the <br />completion of th~ design for a new police station at the corner of Cabarrus <br />Avenue and Spri~ Street. Mr. ~reene outlined a number of 'reasons to keep <br />the Courthouse c~__wntown, including ~he Courthouse brings over 1,300 visitors <br />daily to downtown Concord, it is a 'destination" for downtown and it is <br />sy~olic to Co,cord's dovrn~own. Finally, Mr. Greene stated the City's <br />willingness to w~rk with =he County in finding a sui=abl~ location for the <br />new facility. <br /> <br /> There was lengthy discussion regarding downtown Concord and the <br />construction of ~a new Jail/Justice Center. Issues addressed during the <br />discussion included the following: (1) Plans to build a Jail/courts facility <br />that will serve ~he citizens for 40 to 50 years; (2} Location.of 'downtown" <br />Concord in futu~ years; and (3) Desirability of locating a new jail/court <br />facility in 6own.~own Concord. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTIO~ of Commissioner Carru=h, seconded by Commissioner Privette <br />and unani~usly ~arried, the Board named Chairman Freeman and Vice Chairman <br />Suggs to the Ar~itect Screening Committee. Other members of the Committee <br />will include the~Sherlff, Residen= Superior Cour~ Judge, Chief District Court <br />Judge, Clerk of{ Court, District A~torney, County Manager and one or <br />County staff men,.ers designated by ~he County Manager. <br /> <br />(D-2) U~da~e ~ Sua~a~ of Shor~- and Lon~-Term ~o&ls <br /> <br /> Mr. Day ~resen=ed an update on the short and long-term goals <br />established by =~e Board a= its January work session. Thi~ report included <br />strategies and ~&=us updates on discussions concerning =he development of a <br />countywide utility pol£cy, a marketing plan for ~he ;irene and Events Center <br />and an updated ~easibili=y s~udy for a new convention center. Discussions <br />continue with =b~ Convention and Visitor's Bureau concerning =he use of the <br />accumulated occupancy tax revenue and this issue will be fur=her discussed <br />=he work session_~lanned on February 24. <br /> <br />E. CONSENT AGE~A <br /> <br />(~-1) Remolu~io~ ~r&n~in~ County Purc~&min~ A~mn~ ~he Au~hori~y ~o Sell <br />Su~lus ;prsona~_~Property (Cm=mrpill&r Landfill Comp&c=or, A1-Jon Landfill <br />Co~&ctor, Dod~e~z-uck and Intmrna~ion&l Ro11-of~ Truck) <br /> <br /> ~IPON MOTIO~ of Commissioner Privet=e, seconded by Commissioner Carru=h <br />and unanimously ~arried, =he Board &dop=ed the following Resolution. <br />~ Resoluci~ ~. 2003-04 <br />! <br />STATE OF NO~TH C~OLINA ) <br /> ~ ) RESOLUTION <br /> <br /> <br />