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II. <br /> <br />Conditions within the County <br /> <br />Families on Worll First in Cabarrus County are experiencing problems that were <br />not surfacing du '~r~g the previous planning period. Since the gradual economic <br />decline in 2002, Md the rapid drop following 9/11, the unemployment rate has <br />increased causing more difficulty for those families who have the least job <br />experience, most undesirable work records, and are most at risk for welfare <br />dependency. Wi~ an unemployment rate of 4.1% in June of 2001, it peaked in <br />January 2002 at ~i. 1%. The July 2002 rate is currently at 5.7%, down somewhat, <br />but still higher th~ Cabarrus County has experienced in recent years (Source: <br />Centralina Work~brce Development Board). <br /> <br />The current population of the county is 131,063 (Source: 2000 Census), and it is <br />experiencing rapitt growth. This being coupled with several layoffs, closings, and <br />downsizing by initustries in the county have caused the Work First population to <br />suffer. They have, so far, been able to secure jobs, through the New Focus <br />diversion program, but have not been able to secure the best paying jobs. The <br />influx into the jol~ market by experienced steady workers, who are unemployed, <br />has caused empld~ers who are hiring to turn to them, rather than the sometimes <br />unknown factor ia hiring Work First recipients. <br /> <br />One of the larger~employers in the county, Pillowtex, which has hired Work First <br />recipients in the l~ast, has been under bankruptcy, and is only presently coming <br />out from under that. Corning has experienced devastating layoffs this past year, <br />and the impact on__- the job market from their layoffs has caused the Work First <br />recipients to once again be at the "bottom of the heap". <br /> <br />As of August 1, 3002, the Work First population in Cabarms County was 272, <br />with 203 of these!being child-only cases. The adult caseload totaled 69, and only <br />15 of this number were able-bodied. <br /> <br />If the economy d0es not improve rapidly during the next several months, and high <br />unemployment rates drag on into 2003, it will be our task as the administrators of <br />the Work First prbgram to work toward better preparation of recipients, through <br />education, training, and social work support. This will be necessary to not only <br />keep afloat with ~ur Work First population, but to even make inroads into further <br />reductions iff the adult population on Work First. We in Cabarrus County have <br />faced greater challenges. In 1995, we had a Work First population of 1,013. As <br />of August 2002, it is at 272, a 73.15% decrease. <br /> <br />Planning Process <br /> <br />A. Planning Committee <br /> <br /> <br />