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Staff Resource iaterials - $2,000. This area will include resource books in <br /> <br /> various subjects, bookshqlf and an information display board. <br /> Family Resourc4 Center - $1,500. Area w/Il include resource books and kits for <br />parents to checkout. Ite4S! including resource books, table, bookshelf, and display board. <br /> ! <br /> Staff Training - ~11 staff members will be trained with Transition Magician. <br />This training will assist s~aff with transitioning times during the day (3 staff members ~ <br />$20 per person). 4-H Cu~culum Training in Adventures in Learning (3 staff members <br /> 1 <br />~ $25 per person). All n,~w staff members will be required to take Basic School Age <br />Care Training (4 staff meJnbers ~ $30 per person). Staff members will be required to <br /> <br />take a Rated License trait ng (4 staff members ~ $20 per person). Staff members Mil <br />also be CPR/First Aid cer .fled (4 staff members ~ $25 per person). Staff will also <br />participate in 4-H sponsored training sessions: New Games and 4-H Pizza Garden ($65). <br /> <br /> Salary - Beverly ~ ollenbecker, 4-H Afterschool Coordinator, will act as Project <br />Manager. Beverly is already employed by Cooperative Extension. Her training with the <br />accreditation process, BSA iC trainer', RL-SAC trainer and nine years working with the 4- <br /> <br /> t <br />H afterschool program qm [ifies her to provide support and technical assistance to Elite <br /> <br />Kids. All salary time wiil [~e considered an in-kind contribution. 4-H Aftersehool <br /> <br />Coordinator's salary $14 b.b. ur ~ 250 hours ($3,500). <br /> i <br /> The budget does n~ consist of any salary money. Elite will be hiring qualified <br />staffthat will put the child Jcl n's_ needs fn'st, so we feel that it is important to provide <br />educational materials for ~ children from the grant funds and use salaries from other <br /> <br />sources. <br /> <br /> <br />