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B. Coordinated IEfforts. The County shall provide overall direction and <br /> administration of the System{ Franchisee and the County will work closely and cooperatively to <br /> .design and implement the y~tem s pohc~es, servmes, and rate structures so as to minimize costs, <br /> ~mprove service quality, maximize efficiency, and to meet the System's goals of expanding <br /> transportation options within [the County. The Franchisee will be involved in and shall assist the <br /> County in overall System pl ,a~aning efforts. These efforts shall include assisting the County with <br /> all audits and operational l~lanning requirements pertaining to the System, developing and <br /> promoting new services; exl~oring alternative funding and contracting methods; budgeting and <br /> capital areas; and public outreach efforts. <br /> <br /> C. Reports. Tlte Franchisee will prepare all reports required by any appropriate <br /> party, including without li~nitation, the County and the North Carolina Department of <br /> Transportation ("NCDOT").I Such reports will include Franchisee's obligation for data <br /> collection deemed necessary[by the County for the planning and operation of the System. <br /> Franchisee shall prepare anc[ .submit comprehensive monthly reports for presentation to the <br /> County. These reports will in[. lude: <br /> <br /> (a) A manlagement summary highlighting recent achievements, upcoming <br /> training schedules and significant issues affecting the System; <br /> (b) Inform' ion regarding accidents, incidents, complaints and <br /> commendations; ~ <br /> (c) Total nl[mber of transports and locations for transport; , <br /> (d) Total n~,mber of"No Shows" and "Late Cancellations" for the month; and <br /> (e) Any otlier information as reasonably deemed appropriate by the County. <br /> <br /> D. Operations. The Franchisee's local Program Manager will participate in the <br /> County's Emergency Manag '_e'_[nent operations drills. Franchisee will be a standby resource for <br /> the County Emergency Manal:~ement System. Franchisee will also coordinate with local City and <br /> County law enforcement ar~ other officials in emergency and/or System planning and <br /> development efforts. <br /> <br /> E. Personnel. T~h{ !Franchisee shall recruit, hire, supervise and manage qualified and <br />properly certified personr/el: including, but not limited to certified EMTs, drivers and <br />dispatchers, supervisors, and a Program Manager to manage the System within the County. The <br />Franchisee shall provide all er~ lployee salaries and benefits. All such employees shall be deemed <br />employed solely and exclusiv, y by Franchisee. <br /> <br /> F. Lease of Vehia ,s; Markings on Vehicles. The Franchisee will lease from the <br />County vehicles for the sum of $1.00 per vehicle per year, which shall include a minimum of one <br />Basic Life Support Ambulanc~ stocked with all associated supplies and equipment (collectively, <br />the "Vehicles"). Franchisee ~arrants that the Vehicles will be used solely and exclusively for <br />the System services, and not ~or charter work or other uses, unless specifically approved in <br />advance, in writing by the 0aunty Manager's office. Any markings on the Vehicles shall <br />indicate that such Vehicles ar~ operated by Franchisee. Any other markings shall be in strict <br />compliance with all applicable[laws, regulations or ordinances, including any applicable County <br />ordinance. All Vehicle markinis shall be made promptly, at Franchisee's expense. <br /> <br /> <br />