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§ 136-44. <br /> <br /> la) TheI <br />count.~ map <br />to the prior <br />adopted by' <br />weeks prior <br />Departmenl <br />proposed se <br />subsection ( <br /> (b) The D <br />the pubhc <br />secondary <br />merit is to <br />provided in <br />published ir <br />week for t~ <br />advise that <br />secondary r~ <br /> ~c) Repre <br />board of co~ <br /> <br /> board ofco~ <br /> the board <br /> secondary <br /> d~scuss~on <br /> secondary <br /> acco,'dinl~ to <br /> tlon <br /> At the sal <br /> secondal v re <br /> board of~:ou <br /> proposed, or <br /> the propose~ <br /> priority of p~ <br /> t~ons lb,' der <br /> as pro~ided <br /> ~d) The b~ <br /> paving proje <br /> secondary re <br /> the public th <br /> m paving pr, <br /> annual secoi <br /> shall be pul <br /> published m <br /> discussion /~ <br />ments and <br />county comn <br />m the pavm <br />secondary ro <br />of county con <br />for paving pr <br />state the spa <br /> (e) The BO <br />tion program <br />sioners of es <br />program and <br />of Transpor~ <br />compatible w <br />having due ri <br />and improvs <br />consideratio~ <br />commissionel <br />paving secon <br />not made in ~ <br /> (0 The se~ <br />Transportati~ <br />changes ar6 <br />changes is I <br />Transportati~ <br />showing the, <br />riority of em <br />oard of Tra <br />Board of Tral <br />and the det~ <br />request, the <br />be submitted <br />Transportatk <br />available to <br />c. 507, s. 3; <br /> <br /> Submission of secondary roads construction <br /> programs to the Boards of County Commis- <br /> sioners. <br /> <br /> m,'tment of Transportatmn shall post in the county courthouse a <br /> ~owing ten,sure secondary road paving projects rated according <br />fx of each project in accordance with the criteria and standards <br />e Board of Transportatzon. The map shall be posted at least two <br />to the public meeting of the county commissioners at which the <br />of Transportation representatives are to meet and discuss the <br />ondary road construction program for the county as provided in <br />). <br />~partment of Transportation shall provide a notice to the public of <br />~etmg of the board of county commissioners at which the annual <br />ad construction program for the county proposed by the Depart- <br />,e presented to the board and other citizens of the county as <br />subsection (c). The notice shall be published in a newspaper <br />the county or having a general circulation in the county once a <br />~ succeeding weeks prior to the meeting. The notzce shall also <br />a county map ~s posted in the courthouse showing tentative <br />~d pa~nng projects rated according to the priomty of each project <br />~ntat~ves of the Department of Transportation shall meet with the <br />~ty commissioners at a regular or special public meeting of the <br />ty commissione,'s for each county and present to and dmcuss with <br />county commissioners and other citizens present, the proposed <br />ad constructmn program for the county. The presentation and <br />~all specifically include the pmority rating of each tentative <br />~d paving project included in the proposed constructmn program, <br />the cmteria and standards adopted by the Board of Transports- <br /> <br />~e meeting after the presentation and discussion of the annual <br />~d construction program for the county or at a later meeting, the <br />~ty comnussloners may (0 concur in the construction program as <br />ii) take no action, or {iii~ make recommendatmns for deviatmns in <br /> construction program, except ~s to paving projects and the <br />vmg projects ['or which the board m order to make recommenda- <br />.mens, must vote to consider the matter at a later public meeting <br />~ subsection <br />.~rd of county commissioners may recommend deviations in the <br />'ts and the priority of paving projects incldded in the proposed <br />~d construction program only at a pub[ic meeting after notice to <br />~ the board will conmder making recommendations for de~aations <br />ects and the pmol~ty of paving projects included in the proposed <br />!ary road construction program. Not~ce of the pubhc meeting <br />[tshed by the board of county commmsioners m a newspaper <br />the county or having a general circulation in the county. After <br /> the members o[` the board of county commmsioners and com- <br />[brmatmn.presented by other citizens of the county, the board of <br />issioners may recommend deviatmns in the paving projects and <br />; pmomty of'secondary road projects included in the proposed <br />d construction progra~ Any recommendatmn made by the board <br />mssioners for a deviation m the pawng projects or in the priority <br />[ects in the proposed secondary road construction progra~ shall <br />.ftc reason for each such devmtion recommended. <br />.rd of Transportation shall adopt the annual secondary construc- <br />for each county after having given the board of county commls- <br />:h county an opportunity to review the proposed construction <br />~ make recommendations as provided in thru sectmn. The Board <br />tion shall consider such recommendatmns insofar as they are <br /> ~ its general plans, standards, criteria and available funds, but <br /> srd to development plans of the county and to the maintenance <br /> ent needs ozall existing roads in the county. However, no <br /> shall be given to any recommendation by the board of county <br /> ~ for a deviatmn in the paving projects or in the pnomtv for <br /> ary road projects in the proposedconstruction program th'at <br /> ccordance with subsection <br /> mdary road constructmn program adopted bv the Board of <br /> ~ shall be followed by the Department of Trans~ortauon unless <br /> ~pproved by the Board of Transportation and notice of any <br /> ~en the board of county commissioners. The Department o[' <br /> ~ shall post a copy of the adopted program, including a map <br /> econdary road paving projects rated according to the approved <br /> ~ project, at the courthouse, within 10 da.ys of its adoptmn by the <br /> ~portation. The board of county commmmoners may petition the <br /> ~portation for review of any changes to which ~t does not consent <br /> ruination of the Board of Transportation shall be final. Upon <br /> ~ost recent secondary road construction programs adopted shall <br /> to any member of the General Assembly. The Department of <br /> . shall make the annual constructmn program for each county <br /> .~ newspapers having a general arculat~on in the county. <br /> ?5, c. 716, s. 7; 1977, c. 464, s. 9; 1981, c. 536.) <br /> <br /> <br />