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Proposal to Cabarrus County, NC <br /> <br />We propose that the county retain Cornerstone to market and broker both the fairground <br />property and the current County School Administrative Complex. Proper land development, <br />marketing and sale would save significant ongoing opportunity costs by bringing the parcels <br />on to the tax roll. In addition, development would increase the vitality of the neighboring <br /> <br />areas. <br /> <br />We understand that goals of the county are to: · Sell each parcel of property for the highest price possible. <br /> · Create the highest tax base possible from the development <br /> · Enhance the community through attractive and quality development. <br /> <br />Cornerstone - An integrated Real Estate Company, although newly organized, represents two <br />people who have strong ties to the community in the North Mecklenburg/Cabarrus area. The <br />company brings strong expertise in land use planning, real estate development, banking, and <br />marketing. <br /> <br />Cornerstone stands in a unique position among real estate marketing firms. Our approach <br />combines personal knowledge and good standing among many of the nation's retailers with <br />the aggressive pursuit of financing options for other potential tenants. <br /> <br />We also propose that the county mandate Cornerstone complete a master land development <br />plan in coordination with the sale of the former Fairgrounds property. This development plan <br />would help insure the highest price for the more marketable frontage parcels, while <br />preserving all integration possibilities for the entire property. <br /> <br />The fee proposal for the marketing and sale is very competitive, and integrates the successful <br />sale of a piece of property with the cost of the development plan. Once the sale takes place, <br />the fee paid to date for the development plan would be deducted from payable commission. <br /> <br />Cornerstone offers integrated real estate services at a very competitive fee. -Our company <br />and approach point to the highest value proposition to the county. <br /> <br /> <br />