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ADDITIONAL ACTS PROHIBITED BY THE FAIR HOUSING LAW <br /> <br />The Fair Housing Law provides protection against the following acts, if they are based on <br />race, color, creed, sex or national origin: <br /> <br />- Refusing to see or rent to, deal or negotiate with any person (section 804 (2)); <br /> <br />- Discrimination in terms or conditions for buying or renting housing (Section 804 (b)); <br /> <br />- Discrimination by advertising that housing is available only to persons of a certain race, <br /> color, religion, sex, or national origin (Section 804 (c); <br /> <br />- Denying that housing is available for inspection, sale, or rent when it really is available <br /> (Section 804 (d)); <br /> <br />- "Blockbusting" for profit, persuading owners to sell or rent housing by telling them that <br /> minority groups are moving into the neighborhood (Section 804 (e)); <br /> <br />- Denying or making terms or conditions for home loans by commercial lenders such as <br /> banks, savings and loan associations and insurance companies (Section 805 ); <br /> <br />- Denying to anyone the use of or participation in any real estate services, such as <br /> brokers, organizations, multiple listing services or other facilities related to the selling <br /> or renting of housing (Section 806). <br /> <br /> HOUSING ACTS NOT PROHIBITED BY THE FAIR HOUSING LAW <br /> <br />The sale or rental of single-family houses owned by a private individual of three (3) or <br />fewer such single-family houses iff <br /> <br />- A broker is not used; <br /> <br />- Discriminatory advertising is not used; <br /> <br />- No more than one (1) house in which the owner was not the most recent resident is sold <br /> during any two-year period; <br /> <br />- Rentals or rooms or units in owner-occupied multifamily dwellings for two or four <br /> families, if discriminatory advertising is not used; <br /> <br />- Limiting the sale, rental or occupancy of dwellings which a religious organization owns <br /> or operates for other than a commercial purpose to persons of the same religion, if <br /> membership in that religion is not restricted, on account or race, color, or national <br /> origin. <br /> <br /> <br />