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12. <br /> <br />The Agency shall reimburse the City for any mount of HOME <br />funds determined by HUD to have been improperly expended, <br />and the City shall retain the fight to recover any questioned <br />costs or overpayments from the Agency. <br /> <br />13. <br /> <br />Upon termination, the Agency shall remit any unexpended <br />balance of advanced payments on account of the Grant as <br />well as such other portions of such payments previously <br />received as determined by the City to be due and the action <br />of the City in accepting any such amount shall not constitute <br />a waiver of any claim which the City may otherwise have. <br /> <br />14. <br /> <br />The Agency shall allow the City to carry out monitoring and <br />evaluation activities as determ'med necessary by the City and <br />HUD. <br /> <br />15. <br /> <br />In the event of termination, ali property and finished or <br />unfinished documents, data, studies, and reports purchased <br />or prepared by the Agency under this Agreement shall, at the <br />option of the City, become the property of the City. <br /> <br />16. <br /> <br />The Agency is requ'u:ed to have 50% of funds obligated by July <br />1 st of the following fiscal year, 75% by October 31 st and <br />100% by January 1st of the following year. If funds are not <br />obligated by these dates, the Consortium may recapture the <br />remaining funds. <br /> <br />17. <br /> <br />The Agency shall comply with all labor standards, nondiscrimination and <br />equal opportunity responsibilities outlined in 24 CFR part 42. <br /> <br />FUNDING AND PAYMENT: ' <br /> <br />'The City will provide the Agency w!th funds received from HUD <br />for the Project in accordance with the approved budget for the <br />Project (hereinafter "Project Budget") or the actual cost of the <br />Project, whichever is less. The payment procedure under this <br />Agreement shall be in accordance with the following method: <br />Payment shall be on a reimbursement basis, and upon receipt by the <br />City of a Requisition Form, (which shall be provided by <br />the City) which shall reflect expenditures and incurred <br />expenses by budget line item, The Agency shall also provide <br />support documentation such as invoices for all expenditures <br />included on the Requisition Form. <br /> <br /> <br />