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UTILITY STATION AND PIPELINE EASEMENT <br /> <br />PREPARED BY: Public Service of North Carolina, Incorporated <br />RETURN TO: <br />PSNC Energy <br />(Attn: Michael Coleman. Planning and Design Dept.) <br />P.O. Box 1398 <br />Gastonia, NC 28053-1398 <br /> <br />Line No. <br />PJW No. <br /> <br />Project No. <br />Check No. <br />Date of Check <br /> <br />0029073 <br /> <br />STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />COUNTY OF CABARRUS <br /> <br /> Know all men by these presents that for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar(s) ($1.00) paid to County of <br /> CABARRUS, North Carolina, a body politic and corporate and a political subdivision of the State of North <br /> Carolina, (hereinafter designated "Grantor"), the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the Grantor hereby bargains, <br /> salts, and conveys unto Public Service Company of North Carolina. Incorporated, a South Carolina corporation, <br /> dba PSNC Energy (hereinafter designated "Grantee"). and its successors and assignees, a perpetual and exclusive utility <br /> station site and pipeline easement for the purpose of installing, laying, consb'ucting, maintaining, operating, repairing, <br /> altering, replacing, and removing gas pipeline and station equipment (including but not limited to valves, regulators, <br /> meters, titlings, appliances, tie-overs, pipe line markers, communications and electrical service, com3sion control <br /> equlpmenl, fences and appurtenant facilities) for the transportation and control of gas. oil, petroleum products, or any <br /> other liquids, gases, or substances which can be transported through a pipeline system, petroleum products, or any other <br /> liquids, gases, or substances which can be transported through a pipeline system, as described in Exhibit "A". attached <br /> hereto and made a part hereof, under, upon. over, through and across lands of Grantor, or in which the Grantor has <br /> interest situate in Cabarrus County. North Carolina, conveyed to grantor by. and described in. the deed record in Book <br /> 3159. page 61, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cabarrus County. North Carolina. <br /> <br /> The grantee shall have all other dghts and benefits necessary or convenient for the fu~l enjoyment or use of the rights <br /> herein granted, including dght of ingress and egress over and across said lands to and from the area specifically covered <br /> by this easement, and the right from time to time to cut all trees, undergrowth, and other obstructions that may injure, <br /> endanger, or interfere with the construction, operation, maintenance, and repair of said utility station and pipeline. <br /> <br /> The Grantee shall have the right to assign this easement in whole or part at any time. <br /> <br />To have and to hold said utility station site and pipeline easement unto said grantee, its successors, and assignees, in <br />title forever, and the undersigned hereby bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and <br />assignees to warrant and forever defend all and singular said premises unto the granthe, its successors, and assignees. <br />against the claims of all persons whomsoever. <br /> <br />Except for the area where pipe and other appurtenances are enclosed within any fenced station site and/or except for <br />other unfenced area designated for above-ground facilities, the Grantor may make full use and enjoyment of the lands <br />and premises included within the easement herein granted in any manner not inconsistent with the use and purpose of <br />said land by the Grantee; provided, however, that the Grantor, his heirs, successors and assigns, shall not construct nor <br />permit to be constructed any house or other permanent structure, nor plant trees or orchards, nor allow to be placed or <br />installed any other obstruction, temporary or permanent, that could damage the pipeline or inten~ere with operation, <br />maintenance or repair of the pipeline by the Grantee. including, but not limited to the accumulation of garbage, rubble, <br />disabled vehicles, tires, or debris of any kind, nor impound nor permit to be impounded any water, on or over the entire <br />area specifically covered by this easement; and the Grantor, his heirs, successors, and assigns, may build roads, streets <br />or utilities which cross the pipelines located on the easement (excluding the station site and above ground facilities <br />exceptions previously described), but may nol construct within and along said pipeline easement any such utilities which <br />run parallel therewith. Ferlces may be installed by the Grantor on or across the easement, but only after obtaining <br />advance wr~ten approval of the Grantee, and such fences must meet specifications of the Grantee for type and must <br />provide accessibility to the easement suitable to Grantee. The Grantor, for himself, his heirs, successors, and assigns, <br />further agrees nol to build road. street or utility crossings, or fences, or to change the grade over the top of the pipeline in <br />any manner which wJ[I reduce or increase the cover over said pipeline, unless approved in writing in advance by Grantee. <br />Grantor. shall notify Grantee in writing at least 30 days prior to any construction or maintenance activity within the area <br />specifically covered by this easement to obtain such approval and to allow Grantee's representative to be present during <br />such activity. Pipeline markers shall not be relocated or removed from the easement. <br /> <br /> <br />