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£MPL YM£N $££LIBI Y £ MMI I N N§BTi <br /> <br />lept~mber 12, 2003 <br /> <br /> Susie Bonds <br />~abarnm County Board of Comm/~-ioner~ <br /> Box 707 <br />:oncord, NC 28025-0707 <br /> <br />)oar Ma. Susie Bonds: <br /> <br /> le~e ~ubrnit to the Cabarru~ County Board of Commissione~ the request to issue' <br /> reclamation for "N~tion~l ~npley the Older Worker Week" which is September <br /> 003. This annual observauce gives publicity to the assets that older workers possess and <br />the employment cha~ler~gcs they face. In Nozth Carolina the first wave of baby <br />omers will reach 55 md old~; the economic downturn will m~ke it harder to place <br />~ese workers. Older workers bring ability and experience to the workplace, so it is <br />'o~thy that they be rcco~i~,~d espocis.lly in these trying times. <br /> <br /> you for your sssistsnce in this mattcr. Please contact Both Chewning or ~Janice <br />rewington at ?04.-786-3183 if you have any quest/om.. <br /> <br />~nc~rely, <br /> <br />~I~derson <br /> <br />~O~LOYMMT $MgGE,,. L~LOYl~I~ INSLOW~g... L~D~ M4111~T WFOIIMaTIM <br /> WWW, iSG.$T.~TI IIC.Ul <br /> <br />~03N03 3S~3N <br /> <br /> <br />