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I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />t <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />i <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />01/21/2002 15:25 704-788-8058 HARTSELL & WHITE PAGE <br /> <br />MOP. T~ CAA~OLIMA <br />CABAKRUS COUNTY <br /> <br />I, Za~ ~. ~ore~, a Not~ ~b~o of Alam~c~ Co~, No~ ~rol~a, ce~ ~a~ Jonah J. M~hy, ~r. <br />personally c~.e before me ~s ~y ~d ac~owlcdged ~at hc is Manag~ of E~OLA 550 ~derka~ck, LLC, a <br />Delaw~ l~ted liabfli~ comply, m~d ~t he, ~ Manager, berg auto,cd to do so, executed ~c forcgo~g on <br />he, If of ~e comply. Wime~ my ~nd ~d official sea~ ~iz ~o ~ ~y of , 2001. My <br />co--siOn exp~es Deccmbg 14, 2~3. <br /> <br />Notary Public <br /> <br />NORTH CAROLINA <br />CABARRUS COUNTY <br /> <br />I, Zachary M. Moretz, a Notary Public of Alamance County, North Carolina, ceriify tl~t Robert W. Burkett <br />personally appea~ed before me this day and acknowledged thc cxc~ulion of the foregoing instrument Witness my <br />hand and official ~stamp or seal, this day of ,2001. My commission expires December 14, 2003. <br /> <br />Noisy Public <br /> <br />NORTH CAROLINA <br />CABARP, US COUNTY <br /> <br />I, Zachary M. Morels, a Notary Public of .Mama.ncc County, North Carolina. c~l'tify ~at Elizabeth H. Burke~ <br />persor~lly appeared b~fore me this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing insmmaent. Witness my <br />hand and official stamp or seal, ~ day of ,2001. My commissioll ex'p/rcs December 14, 2003. <br /> <br />Notm'y Public <br /> <br />NOKTH CAROLINA <br />CABARRUS COUNTY <br /> <br />I, _. a Notary Public of tho aforesaid county and sta:e, certify that <br />personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged that (s)h¢ is Clerk of the Board of Cabarms County, a <br />North Carolina body politic, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument <br />was signed in its namt by its Chairman, sealed with the seal of Cabarrus County, and attested by him/her ~s its <br />Cl~rk. Witness my hand and official stamp o~ seal, this ~ day of ,2001. My commission expires <br /> <br />Not~ry Public <br /> <br /> <br />