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File Layout for return of Debts from CLEARINGHOUSE to <br /> CLEARINGHOUSE: <br /> <br />Positions Data Length Explanation <br /> <br />001 - 009 SSN 9 Numeric <br />010 - 019 First Name 10 Alpha <br />020 - 020 Middle Initial 1 Alpha or blank <br />021 - 035 Last Name 15 Alpha <br />036 - 060 Street Address 25 <br />061 - 07.1 City 11 <br />072 - 073 State 2 <br />074 - 078 Zip Code 5 <br />079 - 085 Debt Amount 7 Currency <br />086- 089 .. Agency Code 4 <br />090 - 095 Debt Expiration Date 6 (YYYYMM) <br />096 - 103 Debt Compliance Date 8 .(MMDDYYYY) <br />104 - 128 Debt Account Number 25 <br />· 129 - 136 Debt Unique Key 8 <br />137 - 144 Debt Match Date 8 (MMDDYYYY) <br />145 - 151 Debt Setoff Amount 7 Currency <br />152 - 166 Date/Time of Load 15 (MMDD~-~SS) <br /> 167 - 173 Cash Management Deposit 7 . Currency <br /> <br />Formats: <br /> 1) <br /> 2) <br /> 3) <br /> <br />4) <br />5) <br />6) <br /> <br />Numeric: All digits, 0-9 <br />Alpha: Alphabetic characters A-Z, hyphen or blank <br />Currency: All digits, 0-9, no commas or decimal points. Ex $1,265.48 <br />would be 0126548 <br />YYYYMM: Year, Month. All digits, 0-9. 'Ex. 200109 is for September 2001 <br />MMDDYYYY: Month, Year. Ex. 0930200'1 is for September 30? 2001 <br />HHMMSS: Hours, minutes and seconds <br /> <br />Notes: <br />1) Debt Amount: current debt amount owed. If a payment has .been made to the entity <br /> this will be the new debt amount, not the amount of the payment made directly to <br /> entity. Debt must be $50.00 or more to be processed. Debts cannot be combined to <br /> satisfy $50.00 requirement. Each debt stands alone in the $50.00 minimum for <br /> submission, although entities can combine debts under a single SSN. <br />2) Agency Code: assigned identifier to Entity/Agency (to be assigned by <br /> NCACCfNCLM) <br />3) Debt Expiration Date: date debt is no longer valid for submission. Debt will be <br /> reduced to $0.00 but data remains in the database system <br />4) Debt Compliance .Date: date that the Entity/Agency determines that the debtor has <br /> received all notices and opportunities and therefore releases the debt for submission <br /> into the Setoff Debt Clearinghouse system <br />5) Debt Account Number: Optional, for use with'Entity/Agency Accounting/Billing <br /> system to track account numbers with individuals' debt(s) <br /> ~'~" 3:" Addendum A- <br /> <br />10 <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br /> <br /> <br />