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Jl ' Cabarrus <br /> County Schools <br /> <br />660 Concord Parkway North <br />PO Box 388 <br />Concord, NC 28026.0388 <br /> <br />704.786.6195 Ext. 128 <br />704.788.1317 fax <br />704.375.0596 Charlotte <br /> <br />Facilities & Operations Department <br /> <br />Date: April '3, 2002 <br /> <br />To: Board of Education <br /> <br />From:' Joe Sides, Construction Manager <br /> <br />Re: Future Elementary (Pitts School Road Site) <br /> <br />We have received the soil exploration results from, Qore Property SCiences. The land <br />indicated approximately 1ft. to 2ft. of clay and beyond that the soil is good to <br />approximately'25 ft. We can either bury the clay or haul offsite to an adjacent property. <br />The engineer recommends that we should take the next step to purchase the property.. At <br />this point we need to provide· a survey of the property so that Flet6her Hartsell can <br />purchase or negotiate a price with the landowners. Concm-d Engineering will provide the <br />boundary survey for a fee of $3,275.00. All the landowners involved are willing to sell <br />their property. I recommend that we contract with Concord Engineering to prOvide the <br />boundary survey. <br /> <br />Cc: Gene Jordan; Don Clickner <br /> <br />An Equal <br />Opportunity Employer <br /> <br /> <br />