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'MAR-29-02 FRI 11'57 CESI <br /> 03/28/02 17:0~ YAX .qI9 661 982g <br /> <br />BLUE" <br /> Wm~r <br /> <br /> FAX :.704 <br />BLUE: L~ I <br /> <br />786 7454 PAGE 2 <br /> <br />139-G Technology Dfiw Crazx~ North Carnlinn 27529 <br /> Voice: (919) 661-0073 · Facsimile: (919) 661-9P,29 <br /> www. blwLcom - blwtL~fllwi.cum <br /> <br />Paymeau by CL'!~Nr (o CONSULTANT shall lac du~ and payable as pet the following condidnn-~ <br /> <br />CONSULTANT'fo~ for ~ ~s ~a~'ifieally d~fined w~thip th/s dnonnent shall be one thot~nd nine hunched fifty dolla~ <br />($1~50'°). <br /> <br />Thc f~ for any 'Additional Services' shM1 be billed hourly at a rag of ~v~aty five delia.'per ~ ($75°°/hr). <br /> <br />received wiflfia, thirty '(90) days fnun the above presented dates/evems or ~ due da~ of any invoices submitled to CLIENT. <br />CLIENT wi.'ll' pa~ an additional charge of o~e-and-one-bal~l~mm lX:t monflx (ar rte maximum allowed by law, w~hichex~ is lesser) <br />ma any deLLuqu~'nt a~r,,ou~t. Payme~ thereafter will tim be applied to actual interest and thou to the prim;ipat impair ammmL All <br />rim~ q~cul and'.~ incun'cd (including nay attorney's feesj in COnnection wi~ the collection of any delinqueat ammmt will be <br />pa~d by C~w,-'NT ~o CONSULT. ANT par CONST. R.TA'NT's stn~lard fee fates. /.n t. be ~l~t (Tf.TI:~IT fails to pay CONSULTANT <br />Within ~ (60) day~ a.ft~ Jm'oic~ am rendered, CLIENT ag~es that CONSLR,TANT will bare right to consid~ faihm to pay <br />CONSULTANT btvc~ce n~ a b~ach of CONTRACT. <br /> <br />B, <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />Pmf~onal set~ no~ specifically ~tated ia this docan'ent ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e~. <br /> <br />CONSI~.T~ is not ~a~ble for a~ f~ ~t e~ r~ ~g or ~ mo~ jwm~ ~d~ ~ <br /> <br /> <br />