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28 02 10:42a <br /> <br /> RPR. 17.2001 12:26PH <br /> <br />$~eve <br />CL~RIN <br /> <br />Luttazi <br /> <br />508-541-5~8 <br /> ~.998 P.6.'iZ <br /> <br />8,6 I& will be recommended that the award be made to the ~esponsiw <br /> <br /> price for s~d produc~. <br /> <br />~.7 ~e No~ficafion of Awed will b~ thc s~l f~'s authorization to s~ ~d irons for dellve~ ~ apeci~ed, <br /> <br />'! .....A_P_P_EAL By UNSUCCESSFUL RESPONDENT. <br /> Any mlSu~c~sful firm may appeal a pending proposal award prior to award by the Board of <br /> Directors of thc Keno-Spa~ks Convention & Visitors Authori~ <br /> <br />9.1 <br /> <br />AppcllauI must submit a wfitien ap!~¢al to the Vice ~M~t of Fi~e not I~ ~m ~m~:y-. <br />eight (~8) ho~s prior to ~ date scheduled for awed by ~e Bo~d of Dkcctors of ~c Ken.:,.. <br />Sp~k~ Conv~tion ~d Visitors Autho~ty, <br /> <br />10,, <br /> <br />QUEST!ONS!CLARIFICATIONS <br />Questions regarding die Request for Proposal will bc directed to Stan Gardner, Purchasing A~cml <br />(775) 827-7635 <br /> <br />lO. 1I£ any question~ or re~pon~e; require revision to this solicitation as originally publisho~'.. <br /> r~visions will be by formal mncndmcnt only~ If th~ solicitation includes a contact person <br /> technical informstion, re~pondent; are cautioned that any oral or written rcprcscnmdons m~_4¢ ~:, <br /> this or any person that appear to change m~teri~lly any portion of the solicitation will not <br /> relied upon unless subsequently ratified by a written amendment to thi~ ~olicitation issued '~,y <br /> Finance Department. For d~termination as to wh~th~r any representation made. requires ?3.~t <br /> · ame~dment be ~sued, please contac~ the Point of Contact. <br /> <br />11. <br /> <br />lvlINI~ R.EQUIREMENTS <br />Minimum equipment xequire, mcnta arc specified on th¢ proposal. La any instance where a specific <br />manufacture, brand or type. is d~signated, respondent may substitute equipment of another <br />m~nufacture, brand or type, provided substituted equipment can be shown t~ b~. of equal or bett~:r <br />quality snd performance, <br /> <br />EXCEPTIONS <br />Any exceptions to this Request for Proposal will be specified in the space provided on <br />Firms will note any m~d all exceptions to the specifications and/or terms and conditions <br />herein. Exc~t/orm will be given full consideration in thc It~P evaluation process, provided flu;y ,::'~, <br />properly referenced and identifie~, <br /> <br />12,1 Failure to note any exceptions will be interpreted to convey that hie respondcn~ will pc:,Torn:~ <br /> in the may. her described and/or specii:ied in tl~s R. equest/'or Proposal. <br /> <br />p.8 <br /> <br />Firm Name <br /> <br /> <br />