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Briefly describe what the program ex. Sects to achieve and why. The narrative should address <br />each of the items. (1) Identify the staff and their responsibilities to the program, (2) describe <br />the physical facilities in which the services will be delivered, (3) discuss any areas of concern <br />that could affect the success of the program (4) discuss why these resources used in the manner <br />described should be expected to alter inappropriate behavior, (5) describe the referral, <br />screening and admission procedures, (6) describe the means of working with youth and <br />families, (7) describe the protective factors the program will use to address the identified risk <br />factors, (8) describe the daily program activities and, (9) describe the termination procedures <br />and (10) describe the interaction with juvenile court. <br /> <br />(1)The staff consists, of the Program Coordinators and a District Supervisor in each Judicial District. Both positions <br />carry a full caseload of 25 participants. These staff are responsible for; (a) the intake process, Co) developing, <br />planning, scheduling, supervising, and verifying community service and restitution activities for youth involved in'the <br />program. (c) end of month paperwork that includes recidivism tracking of past participants and client tracking, (d) <br />attending juvenile 'court when necessary, (e) to participate as a secondary guide on the wilderness trips, (f) <br />transporting participants when necessary, (g) attending JCPC, interagency and other meetings that support the success <br />of the children served. In addition the District Supervisors are also responsible for personnel issues within the district <br />and supporting the Program Coordinators in the above tasks. <br /> <br />(2) The facilities that are utilized vary between community service activities and include but are not limited to, <br />working with Habitat for Humanity, Special Olympics, food drives, humane society's, tutoring, convalescent homes, <br />as well as many others across the state. The wilderness trips take place in various areas within the state. <br />(3) Since 100% of the participants come from Juvenile Court the one concern has to do with how juvenile caseloads <br />c-~n vary from year to year..Funding is also of concern in that with small amounts of funds available it is difficult to <br />keep staff because of low salary levels. As it relates to the success to the individual participants the types of <br />community service activities is in direct relation to the success of the program. <br />(4) Through the activities that Project Challenge involves the program participants in; they learn a sense of <br />community and are introduced to the concept of the giving ofselfto others. By giving within their community they <br />become more involved within that community and this increases their contact with good role models and the <br />influences those role models bring. They also learn that by giving to others they enrich their own lives. This helps <br />the youth to understand that they are valuable, needed members of their community with a much to provide, this by <br />itself helps to deter further involvement in criminal behavior. <br />(5) Juvenile court and the Juvenile Court Counselors refer all participants. Project Challenge provides diversion, level <br />I and level Il services to the Juvenile Court. <br />(6) Community service and restitu'tion activities are performed with a max 1-5 staffpartieipant ratio. When necessary <br />this may be a one on one ratio. The community service and wilderness activities are the means with which the <br />program works with the youth. Parents are involved by Program Coordinator contact, keeping them informed about <br />progress in the program and asking for input to assess the affect of the community service activities on the youth. <br />,Each youth has an individual program plan that describes the goals and time line that the youth must abide by in order <br />to successfully complete the program. <br />(7) Through various community service activities, both educational and challenging, many of the identified factors <br />will be addressed for both participants and parents. <br />(8) Activities are provided after school and on Saturdays during the school year and Monday through Saturday during <br />other times. The wilderness trips vary depending on the season, caseloads, and volume of youth to be served. <br />(9) Youth that are successfully terminated from the program are done So by fulfilling their community service and <br />restitution obligation to the court or diversion contract. <br /> <br /> l 0) Project Challenge views the Court Counselors as customers and tailors the program accordingly. <br /> <br />DJJDPIPAIIlO 1 <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br /> <br />