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If YES, p/ease attach Program Component Evaluation Information, Component Summary, and Component <br />Narrative pages for each component. These additional pages are available from the JCPC web site (Additional <br />Component Pages for PA 2002-03 in Word). <br /> :~; .::i~ PROGRAM cOMpONENT EVALUATION IN FOR <br />Component serViCe statistics <br /> <br />Component Name Specialized Placement Program <br /> <br />ID# <br /> <br />Client Capacity 12-18 Anticipated Average Length of Stay <br /> <br />Estimated number of youth to be served during funding period 12-18 <br /> <br />313011 <br />indefinite days <br /> <br />Component Cost <br />Applies to <br />continuation <br /> programs <br /> only <br /> <br /> 583,355.00 Estimated average cost per youth $1,333 - <br />Actual number of youth admitted last fiscal year: 15 $4000.00 (depends <br /> on placement) <br />15 # of admissions Juvenile Court referred, 100 % of total admissions. <br /> <br /> 0 # of law enforcement referred, 0 % of total admissions. <br /> <br />Program uses Client'Tracking Forms [] Program Uses Quarterly & Annual Program Review <br /> <br />Evaluation of Measurable ObjectiVes (first six mOnthS of current fiScaI :year) <br /> <br />Applies to continuation programs only <br />Please list each Measurable Obiective in your current program agreement and indicate the de.qree to which <br />your pro.qram has been successful in achieving each. These objectives should include reductions in court <br />referrals, runaway behavior, disruptive behavior in school, and improvement in school attendance and <br />academic achievement. (Use data from program operation through December 31 st of current funding year.) <br /> <br /> 6 MONTH RESULTS <br />1 .' 100% - 3 of 3 children referred were served (as of <br />2~28~02, 6 of 6 have been served). <br />2.33% - 1 of 3 went to long-term group home <br />placement. Two are still at the group home. (As of <br />2~28~02, 16% - 1 of 6 have been successful in their <br />preparation for long-term placement. Others went to <br />detention, training school or ran away). <br />3. 100% - the one child who.was discharged between <br />July 2001 and December 2001 has had no new court <br />referrals. (As of 2~28~02, 3 of 5 have had no new <br />court referrals - 60%). <br /> Of those juvenile admitted to Lutheran from July <br />2000 to June 2001, 50% (9 of 15) have made <br />successful long-term care placements. These <br />juveniles have not had further court involvement. <br /> As of 2~28~02 there is one JCPC juvenile placed at <br />the Lutheran Group Home. There have been 6 JCPC <br />children placed at Lutheran as of 2/28/02 <br /> <br /> MEASURABLE OBJECTIVES <br />1. Provide an Emergency residence for 85% of all <br />children determined appropriate for placement. <br /> <br />2. 50% prepared for long-term placement. <br /> <br />3.50% (of) achieved successful adjustment for six <br />months. <br /> <br />Recidivism ':~ <br />Describe how program will obtain and analyze data to determine the court involvement of clients one year <br /> <br />following termination from the program. <br /> <br />JCPC PROGRAM AGREEMENT, 2002-2003 <br /> <br /> <br />