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responsibilities in the areas of, but not limited to, therapy/counseling, treatment recommendation, visitation, <br />parenting skills, independent living skills, educational requirements, etc. This plan, as well as subsequent <br />updates, will be forwarded to the specialized treatment facility for implementation and follow-up. The CCDSS <br />social worker will be involved in monthly (at a minimum) plan of care sessions at the treatment facility as well <br />as continual follow-up by phone and other visits to the facility. The CCDSS social worker and staff at the <br />treatment facility will participate in therapy for the juvenile and family as needed as well as participate in <br />educational meetings/conferences for the juvenile. The treatment facility will be responsible for all <br />transportation to any of the juvenile's appointments and school. Referrals to community resources will be <br />made by both CCDSS and the treatment facility as deemed necessary. The juvenile's family and staff at the <br />treatment facility will participate in all CCDSS review meetings as well as court hearings. Goals centered <br />around decreasing juvenile involvement in the juvenile justice system as well as the return home will be the <br />primary focus and will be continually monitored to determine progress. <br /> 7. Both the juvenile and the juvenile's family will be assessed to determine appropriate referrals to assist <br />the juvenile and the family in addressing the factors that resulted in the out of home placement. Referrals may <br />be made to parenting classes housed at both CCDSS and PBHC, therapy and/or support groups through area <br />mental health facilities (depending on where the juvenile is located), drug assessments and treatment as <br />deemed necessary for both the juvenile and the parent, budgeting workshops, vocational/employment training, <br />educational training as deemed necessary, etc. Parents of juveniles in specialized treatment facilities will have <br />the opportunity to visit the juvenile regularly and will be able to shadow treatment staff in an effort learn more <br />effective ways of parenting the juvenile. CCDSS has found that once a juvenile is placed in an out of home <br />placement, the juvenile is then better able to focus more clearly on the underlying issues that resulted in the <br />placement and may be more likely to address the issues rather than engaging in further juvenile activities. <br />Each juvenile in CCDSS custody will receive medicaid which will help ensure proper medical and <br />psychological services. <br /> 8. Each juvenile placed in a specialized treatment facility will have a daily regimen specifying an <br />activity/purpose for virtually every hour of the day. The juvenile must attend an educational activity, must <br />participate in daily chores within the facility (this builds responsibility and teaches independent living skills), will <br />participate in group activities a~.d outings, will participate in group counseling sessions within the facility <br />regarding problems in peer relationships or problems within the facility setting, will participate in plan of care <br />meetings involving CCDSS, treatment facility staff, the parents, juvenile court personnel, and others deemed <br />appropriate, will participate in holiday and birthday recognitions within the facility, etc. Each juvenile will be <br />involved in a behavioral modification system whereby privileges and/or restrictions will be determined by the <br />"level" the juvenile is performing. Visitation between the juvenile and parent is encouraged and .closely <br />monitored in an effort to promote appropriate parenting and determine if visits can be expanded to <br />unsupervised outings between the juvenile and the parent. <br /> 9. Discharge from a specialized treatment facility may be the result of several factors. The goal is that a <br />juvenile will be discharged due to having addressed and worked through the issues that resulted in the out of <br />home placement either back into the removal home or to a step-down setting that is less restrictive. <br />Occasionally a juvenile may be discharged due to having needs/behaviors beyond the capacity of the <br />treatment facility. In this case, the juvenile will most likely be committed to a psychiatric placement and/or <br />some other locked facility. No juvenile will enter a specialized treatment fa, cility without a crisis plan to help <br />ensure that discharge is coordinated effectively and timely. If discharged from a facility due to favorable <br />conditions, it is likely that both CCDSS and the Office of Juvenile Justice involvement will also cease with <br />specific referrals being given to the family for follow-up services. <br /> 10. As has been mentioned several times, CCDSS staff and the Office of Juvenile Justice staff have an <br />excellent working relationship which ensures timely and effective planning regarding the out of home <br />placement of juveniles. Once a juvenile is placed in a specialized treatment facility, the collaboration and <br />coordination intensifies to ensure appropriate services are being accessed for the juvenile and the family. <br />CCDSS social workers and juvenile justice personnel frequently travel to the treatment facility together for plan <br />of care meetings as well as attend therapy and educational meetings. Home visits are made with the family <br />with both CCDSS and juvenile justice staff present. Both staff members attend court hearings to ensure <br />proper movement of the juvenile's case. <br /> <br />JCPC PROGRAM AGREEMENT, 2002-2003 <br /> <br /> <br />