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Cabarms County FY 2002 - 2003 <br /> <br />Instructions: N.C.G.A. 143B-543 (2002 Session) specifies suggested members be appointed by county commissioners <br />to serve on local Juvenile Crime Prevention Councils. In certain categories, a designee may be appointed to serve. <br />Please indicate the person appointed to serve in each category and his/her tit~e. Indicate appointed members who <br />are designees for named positions. Indicate race and gender for all appointments. <br /> <br /> Sen- <br />Specified Members (G.S. 147-33.61) Name Title Designee Race <br /> der <br />1) School Superintendent or designee Letitia Harris Asst. Superintendent Yes W F <br />2) Chief of Police Brian Ritchie Sgt. Yes W M <br />3) Local Sheriff or designee Brad Riley Sheriff No W M <br />4) District Attorney or designee Roxann Veneekhoven Asst. District Yes W F <br /> Attorney <br />5) Chief Court Counselor or designee Denise Bums Court Counselor Yes B F <br />6) Director, AMH/DD/SA, or designee Dr. Charles Hill Director No W M <br />7) Director DSS or designee Dr. James Cook, Jr. Director No W M <br />8)' County Manager or designee Cathie Straub Budget Officer Yes W F <br />9) Substance Abuse Professional Dr. Paul Friday Professor - UNCC No W M <br />10) Member of Faith Community S. JeffBlack Pastor No B M <br />1 I) County Commissioner .. Robert Freeman County Commissioner No B M <br />12) Two Persons under age 18 Robert Palo, Jr. Student No W M <br />(State Youth Council <br />Representative, if available) Vacant <br />13) Juvenile Defense Attorney Amy Zacharias Attorney No W F <br />14) Chief District Judge or designee Judge Martin McGee District Court Judge Yes W M <br />15) Member of Business Community W. Fred Robertson Business Owner No W M <br />16) Local Health Director or designee Dr. William Director No W M <br /> Pilkington <br />17) Rep. United Way/other non-profit Tanya Landmm YMCA Yes w F <br />18) Representative/Parks and Rec. Steve Little Director No W M <br />19) County Commissioner appointee Tim Bullard Deputy No W M <br />20) County Commissioner appointee Troy W. Bamhardt Retired No W M <br />21) County Commissioner appointee Samuel Leder CPA No W M <br />22) County Commissioner appointee Jerry W. Sigrnon Volunteer No W M <br />23) County Commissioner appointee Richard Roush Community Member No W M <br />24) County Commissioner appointee Vacant <br />25) County Commissioner appointee Vacant <br /> <br /> <br />