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THE INDEPENDENT TRIBUNE <br />July 2, 2002 <br /> <br /> 320 Legal~ I <br /> proposed issuance ct the.J <br /> Bonds for the purpose <br /> Paying tot the Project <br /> Following the hearing <br /> the Board <br /> Commissioners intends icj <br /> consider' and take action <br /> ,on proposals o approve <br /> '320' Le~3aJs/the issuance of the <br /> - Bonds for the purpose of <br /> ~1o. 560. 7/2~002 paying [or the PmjecL -. * <br /> NOTICE OFPUBLiC Any pemon wishing to <br /> HEARING REGARDiNG A comment in writing on <br /> RECREATIONAL the proposed. Bonds and <br /> FACIUTY TO BE the Project should do so, <br /> FINANCEDWITHTHE within fourteen (14) days <br /> PROCEEDS OF TAX- after , the date of <br /> EXEMPT BONDS TO BE publication of this notice, <br /> ISSUEDBYTHE to' the Authority and ! to <br /> CABARRUSCOUNTY t h e. C o u , t y <br /> INDUSTRIAL FAClUTIES Commissioners, · c/o Clerk <br /> AND POLLLITION to the Caberms. County <br /> CONTROL RNANCING Board of Commissioners, <br /> AUTHORITY . 65 Church Street SE, <br /> NOTICE IS HEREBY Concord, North Carolina <br /> GIVEN that-The Cabarms 280 · <br /> <br /> County Industrial Facill- /sJFmnkie F. Bonds <br /> ties and Poliotion 'Fmnkie F. Bonds <br /> Control Financing Clerk to the Caberma <br /> AuthodP/ (the *Author* County <br /> ity') has dete`mined to. il~ 8om'dotCommissione`s <br /> sue its Tax-Exempt ,~d-- <br /> justable Mode Recrba- <br /> ti0nal Facilities R'evenue <br /> Bonds (the 'Bonds '), and <br /> loan the proceeds <br /> thereof to the Ca,nou' <br /> Memorial Young · Men's <br /> Christian Association a <br /> North· Carolina· nonprofit <br /> .corporation(he'YMCA') <br /> ~n the ' principar amo~qt <br /> not to exceed· <br /> $9,500,000, for' the pur- <br /> pose of tinaocthg d alt <br /> or a portion of the cost <br /> of (I)' constructing <br /> equipping and' fumishin <br /> a recreational -factiit <br /> located in Concord, <br /> No~'th CarOline,. (2 <br /> · renovating the YMCA' <br /> existing recreatio.nal tacil <br /> ' ity located * in Kannapolis, <br /> North Carolina and. (3) <br /> other impr6vements re-i <br /> lated tO the tax-exempti <br /> purpose of the YMCA I <br /> (collectively, the 'Pr.I <br /> ojecr). <br /> The' P.rojectl <br /> will be located at J <br /> Atton' Village near the ~ <br /> intemaction of 1-85 and! <br />Crisco Road. in Concord, i <br />Cabarrus . County, North I <br />Carolina and at t01, <br />YMCA Drive, Kannapolis, <br />Cabarrus County, Northi <br />Carolina. The approxi- <br />mate cost of the Project <br />is $9,500000 and the <br />max mum aggregate I~rin- <br />~:ipal amount ot the <br />Bonds proposed to be is- <br />sued by the Authority is <br />$9,500,000, The Project <br />will be owned and ope- <br />rated by the YMCA, <br /> Please take notice <br />that the Board of Com- <br />missioners will hold al <br />public hearing in the <br />:.Commissioners' Meeting <br />, Room at the Cabarma <br />, County Government. <br />. Center, on Monday, July~ <br />122, 2002, at 6:30 p.m. or; <br />· as soon thereafter as .~ <br />: the matte' may be heard, ~ <br />*at which any person may F_j <br /> be heard regarding the <br /> <br /> <br />