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Standard Form of.Agreement Between Owner and <br />Contractor where the basis of payment is a STIPULATED SUM <br /> <br />AIA DocUment A101-1997 <br />1997 Edition -Electronic Format <br /> <br />THIS DOOJlbI~T HAS IMPORTANT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES, CONSULTATION ~ AN ATTORNEY IS ENCOURAGED WITH RESPECT TO 1TS <br />COMPLETION OK MODI]FICATION. AUTHEN'I/CAT~ON OF TI~ ELECTRONICALLY DRAI~TED ALa. DOCt~iENT MAY ~ MADE BY U31NO <br />DOCUMENT D401 <br /> <br />AIA Doama:nt A201-199';, General Conditions of the Cm~tract for Construction, is adopted in this document by rmfl~rmc¢. Do not ~sc with other 5enentl conditior~ <br /> <br />This document his bccn a~proved and cndc~scd by TI~ Associated Ge~fltl C0~-actor; of Amcricn. <br /> <br />Copyrisht 1915, 1918, 1925, 1997, t951, 195% 1961. 196:3. 1967, 1974, 1977, 1987, © 1997 by Thc Am~ic~u ~nsfi~t~ ~f Architccls. P.~pmducfion of tho amt~ri~l <br />~ or substam/al quotation ~f/ts pmvisio~ without written pemfission of the ArA ~iolat~ the cop)right l~ws of the United Sta~ and will subjcct ~ violator to legtl <br /> <br />© AIA DOCUMENT A101 -OWNER- CONTRACToP, AGREEMENT - 1997 ~DI';.'ION- AIA. - COFYR[~/-I.T 1997 - 'rH~ AMERICAN INS'ITl'UTE OF <br />ARCht'rt/CI~ 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE N.W., WA,.~llNGTON, D.C. 20006-5292. WARNING: Unlicensed photocopy/n8 violates U.S. cgp~'iSht laws and will <br />subject the ~iolam- tn I~nl prosecution. This dnam~nt ~ el~tmnically produced wflh pmnission of tha A/A. and cn be reproduced w/thout violation um/l the dn/z of <br />expiration as not~ below, e:~p/mtion as noted below. User Doaanml: CABSGYMNASIUM~A101.A/A - 7/~/2002. AIA L/c~ase Numb~ 112165:3, which e~p/r~s on <br />2/2D.003. <br /> <br /> Electron/c Format A101-1997 <br /> <br /> <br />