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8.1.4 <br />~ith~r ltg tbs Sp~.fications h~re or refer to an exhibit attached to this,4gr~emsnt.) <br /> <br />Section Title <br />As listed on. Exhibit "A", Project Manual Table of Contents, attached and incorporated herein_ <br /> <br />8.1.5 The Drawings arc as follows, and are dated unless a different date is shown below: <br />~itt~r li~ tl~ Drawings t~rs or r~fer to an ~hibit __,g,t__~,~Y~d to this Agreement.) <br /> <br />Number Title <br />Az listed on Exhibit "B". Index of Drawing_ attached and inco~orat~d herein, <br /> <br />The Specifications are those contained in ~he Project Manual dated as in Subparagraph 8.1.3, and are as follows: <br /> Pages <br /> <br />Date <br /> <br />8.1.6 The Addenda, i/my, are as follows: <br /> <br />Number Date Pages <br />Addendum No. 1 June 11.200~ 4 + 1 page~ <br />Addendum No. 2 . Iune 12_ 2002 . 1 + 6 pages <br />Addendum No. 3 June 18. 2002 2 _~E_e-~ <br /> <br />Portions of Addenda relating to bidding requirements are not part of the Contract Documents unless the bidding requiremen~ are <br />also enumerated in this Article 8. <br /> <br /> 8.1.7 Other documents, if any, forming part of the Contract IDocum~nts are as follows: <br /> (Zl~t I~re any ,d,~nonal dac~n~nt~ that ar~ ~ntend~d to form part of th~ Contr~ Doc~nent~ A~I Document A201-1997 t~o~d~ that bt&~tg requirements <br /> as advertisement or inWtation to bid Inxlru~on~ to Bid~r~ samp~ forms and tl~ Contr~or'~ bid ar~ not part of the Contract Docmnentr ~ ~namerat~d in <br /> ti~L~ Agr~smznt; Thw/ ~nould b~ li~tsd lasre only If tntand~d to b~ part of t~ Contract Doc~nents.) <br /> Exhibit "C". Form of Proposal. submitted by R_I Fisher Conatruction Co.. Inc.. da~ Iune 20. 2002_ attached arid <br /> ~ncorp. orated herefi'~ <br /> <br /> Thia Agreement is entered into as of the day and year first written above and is executed in at least three original copie% of which <br /> one is to be delivered to the Contractor, one to the Arckitect for me in the administration of the Contract, and the remainder to the <br />.Owner. <br /> <br />Cabamm County Board of Education <br /> <br />OWNER (s~) <br /> <br />RJ. Fisher Construction Co., Inc. <br /> <br />© AD% DOCUMENT AJ01 -OWNEK - CONTRACTOK AGREEMENT - 1997 EDITION - AL% - COPYR3[GHT 1997 - THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ' <br />AR. CRrr~CTS, 1735 NEW YORK A%/ENLrE N.W., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006-5292. WARNING: Unlicamcd photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws ami will <br />aabject thc violater t~ legal prosecution. This decummt ~ras electronically produccd with pennissien of thc AIA ~ud cma be rel~or~cefl ~ttmut violation uatJi the date ~ <br />expiration as noted below, expiration as noted bclow. Use~ Documeat: CABSGYMlqA,.~RVI3AIO1.AIA - 7/3/~002. AI~ Liceasc I,~aber 11~-1653, wlfi~ e~ires on <br />2/2~2003. <br /> Electronic Fonu~t A101-1997 <br /> <br /> <br />