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'l ·3.3 The Design/Builder shall review laws applicable to <br />design and construction of the Project; correlate such laws <br />with the Owner's schematic design documents and program <br />requirements; and advise the Owner if any program <br />requkement may cause a violation of such laws. Necessary <br />changes to the Owner's program shall be accomplished by <br />appropriate written modification or disclosed as described in <br />Paragraph 1.3.5. <br /> <br />t.3.4 The Design/Builder shall review with the Owner <br />alternative approaches to design and construction of the <br />Project. <br /> <br />1.3.5 The Design/Builder shall submit to the Owner a <br />Proposal, including the completed Preliminary Design <br />Documents, a statement of the proposed contract sum, and a <br />proposed schedule for completion of the Project. Preliminary <br />Design Documents shall consist of preliminary design <br />drawings, outline specifications or other documents sufficient <br />to establish the size, quality and character of the entire Project, <br />its architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical systems, <br />and the materials and such other elements of the Project as may <br />be appropriate. Deviations from the Owner's program shall be <br />disclosed in the Proposal, If the Proposal is accepted by the <br />Owner, the parties shall then execute the Part 2 Agreement. A <br />modification to the Proposal before execution of the Part 2 <br />Agreement shall be recorded in writing as an addendum and <br />shall be identified in the Contract Documents of the Part 2 <br />Agreement. .. <br /> <br />ADDITIONAL SERVICES <br /> <br />1.4.'1 The Additional Services described under this <br />Paragraph 1.4 shall be provided by the Design/Builder and <br />paid for by the Owner if authorized or com-mued in writing by <br />the Owner. <br /> <br />~.4.2 Making revisions in the Preliminary Design <br />Documents, budget or other documents when such revisions <br />are: <br /> <br /> · ~ inconsistent with approvals or instructions previously <br /> given by the Owner, including revisions made <br /> necessary by adjustments in the Owner's program or <br /> Project budget; <br /> <br />.'.2 <br /> <br />required by the enactment or revision of codes, laws <br />or regulations subsequent to the preparation of such <br />documents; or <br /> <br />.3 due to changes required as a result of the Owner's <br /> failure to render decisions in a timely manner. <br /> <br />1.4.3 Providing more extensive programmatic criteria than <br />that furmshed by thc Owner as described in Paragraph 2.1. <br />When authorized, the DesigrffBuilder shall provide <br />professional services to assist the Owner in the preparation of <br />the program. Programming services may consist of: <br /> <br />.1 <br /> <br />consulting with the Owner and other persons or <br />entities not designated in this Part 1 Agreement to <br />define the program requirements of the Project and to <br />review the understanding of such requirements with <br />the Owner; <br /> <br />.2 <br /> <br />documentation of the applicable requirements <br />necessary for the various Project functions or <br />operations; <br /> <br />.3 <br /> <br />providing a review and analysis of the functional and <br />orgamzational relationships, requirements, and <br />objectives for the Project; <br /> <br />.4 <br /> <br />setting forth a written program of requirements for the <br />Owner's approval which summarizes the Owner's <br />objectives, schedule, constraints, and criteria. <br /> <br />1.4.4 Providing financial feasibility or other special studies. <br /> <br />~ .4.5 Providing planning surveys, site evaluations, or <br />comparative studies of prospective' sites. <br /> <br />~ .4.6 Providing special surveys, environmental studies, and <br />submissions required for approvals of governmental authorities <br />or others having jurisdiction over the Project. <br /> <br />~.4,7 Providing services relative to future facilities, <br />systems, and equipment. <br /> <br />1.4.8 Providing services at the Owner's specific request to <br />perform detailed investigations of existing conditions or <br />facilities or to make measured drawings thereof. <br /> <br />1.4.9 Providing services at the Owner's specific request to <br />verify the accuracy of drawings or other information furnished <br />by the Owner. <br /> <br />~.4.10 Coordinating services in connection with the work of <br />separate persons or entities retained by the Owner, subsequent <br />to the execution of this Part 1 Agreement. <br /> <br />1.4.~ ~ Providing analyses of owning and operating costs. <br /> <br />~ AIA DOCUMENT Al91 · OWNEK-DF_.5IGN/BUILDEK AG'REtiMENT · SECOND EDITION · AIA~ · ©1996 ~ AMIiRICA.N IHSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, <br />1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20006-5292 * WARNING: Unlicensed photocopyin8 violates U.S. copyright laws and is subject to legal <br />prosecution.. This document was electronically produced with permission ofth~ AIA and can be reproduced without violation until the date of expiration as noted below. <br /> Electronic Format Al91 -1996 <br /> 6 <br /> <br /> <br />