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9.~.3 SUBSEQ~ PAYMENTS shall be as follows: <br />The Desi[~3uilder will provide the Owner with monthly statements for Basic Services performed on a demonstrated percent-ge <br />completion <br /> <br />9.2 COMPENSATION FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES <br /> <br />9.2.1 FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES, compensation shall be as follows: <br />See Exhibit C. Desi_m~/Builder's Pate Summary for additional hourl_v rates, attached and incom_ orated herein. <br /> <br />9.3 REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES <br /> <br />9.3.1 Reimbursable Expenses are m addition to Compensation for Basic and Additional Services, and include actual expenditures <br />made by the Design/Builder and the Design/Builder's employees and contractors in the interest of the Project, as follows: <br />200 prints (42 x 30) to be used as check prints, approval _mints and construction documents. If additinnal _mints are required, the <br />reimbursable cost is $2.00 each. Desi_m'~/Builder has included in the lump sum fee for Basic Services an allowance to include normal <br />reimbursable expenses, such as postage, specialized delivery., and mileage, etc. <br /> <br />9.8.2 FOR REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES, compensation shall be a multiple of one ( 1.0 ) times the mounts expended. <br /> <br />9.4 DIRECT PERSONNEL EXPENSE is defined as the direct salaries of personnel eng~ed on the Project, and the portion of <br />the cost of their mandatory and customary contributions and benefits related thereto, such as employment taxes and other statutory <br />employee benefits, insurance, sick leave, holidays, vacations, pensions, and similar contributions and benefits. <br /> <br />9.6 INTEREST PAYMENTS <br /> <br />9.5.t The rate of interest for past due payments shall be as follows: <br />Interest will be ch,_ed at the legal rate from the date payment is due. <br /> <br />(U~ury laws and requir~rn~nts ~nd~r tt~ Federal Tr~th in I~nding Acl, similar ~tate and local consumer credit laws and otter regulation~ at ti~. Owner's and <br />D~sign/Build~r' s princil~d pla~s of b~n~ss, at tl~ loca~on of th~ Project and elsewhere may qffecI th~ valta~ty of this provt~oa ~ciJ~c l~gaI advice should be <br />obtatn~d with respect to d~l~tion, modij~caflon or otI~r r~qulrernents, such a~ written disclosures or watverat) <br /> <br />9.6 IF THE SCOPE of the Project is changed materially, the amount of compensation shall be equitably adjustec[ <br /> <br />9.7 The compensation set forth in this Part 1 Agreement shall be equitably adjusted if through no fault of the Design/Builder the <br />services have not been completed within three ( 3 ) months of the date of this Part 1 Agreement. <br /> <br /> ARTICLE 10 <br /> OTHER CONDITIONS AND SERVICES <br /> <br />10.1 The Basic Services to be performed shall be commenced llgon execution of this Part 1 .A~r_ eement and, subject to authorized <br />adjustments and to delays not caused by the Design/Builder, shall be completed not later than 70 calendar days from the Date of <br />Commencement of Part 1 A~jeement. m accordance with the Preliminary_ Schedule ~hibit B~. att_a~ed and,incom_ orated hcrein-~ -)- <br />~..~..~'~--;~ ~;,~.'" .... The Design/Builder's Basic Services consist of those described m Paragraph 1.3 as part of Basic Services, and include <br />normal professional engineering and preliminary design services, unless other, vise indicated. <br /> <br />10.2 Services beyond those described in Parasraph 1.4 are as follows: <br />(In~ert de~ertptlon~ of otl~r servlc~, Id~nt~fy Addittonal S~rW~# Included wtthin ~a~c Compensation and modO~eatton~ to tl~ payment and eornt~n~atton t~rr~ <br />included in this ,~greernent.) <br /> <br />~ 0.3 The Owner's preliminary program, budget, and other documents, if any, are enumerated as follows: <br />Title Date <br /> <br />© .MA DOCUMENT Al91 · OWNEK-DESIGN/BUILDER AGREEMENT · SECOND EE)ITION * AIA~ · ©1996 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, <br />1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20006-5292 · WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and is subject to legal <br />prosecution.. This document was clec~'on/cally produced with perm/ssion of the AIA ;md can be reproduced without violation until lite date of exp/ration as noted below. <br /> Electronic Format Al91-1996 <br /> 12 <br /> <br /> <br />