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Standard Form of Agreements Between <br /> Owner and Design/Builder <br /> <br />AIA Document A191 - Electronic Format <br /> <br />This docurn~nt oomprt'~es two ~eparate Agreements: `part ] Agreement and`part 2 Agreement. ~efore ~.ecuting the ,Part ] Agreement, the partie~ ~hould reach <br />a~bstantlal agreement on the Pm't 2 Agreement. To the extent re. ferenaed in these Agreements, ~ubordinate parallel agreement~ to AI g] con~l of A[A Docurnent A491, <br />Etandard Form of Agreements Between D~sign/BuJla~r and Contractor, and ArA Document B901, ~tandard Form of Agreements Between Design/Builder and ~rchltect. <br /> <br />PART 2 AGREEMENT <br /> <br />1996 EDITION <br /> <br />AGREEMENT <br /> <br /> made as of the day of July in the year of <br /> 6rn wor~, indicate &ty, ~nonth and <br /> <br /> BETWEEN the Owner: <br /> 0vame and address) <br /> Cabarrus County Board of Educatiori <br /> Post Office Box 388 <br /> Concord. NC 280226-0388 <br /> <br /> and the Design/Builder: <br /> Ovame and address) <br /> S,C. Hondros & Associate~, Inc. <br /> Post Office Box 220456 <br /> Charlotte. NC 28222-0455 <br /> <br />For the following Project: <br />~nclud~ t~'oject nar~, location and a xwnmary de~rlpaon ) <br />Cabarrus County School Administration and Maintenance Buildings_ - Concord. North Carolina <br />The Pro.iect consists of two buildings_ that total approximately 60.062 square feet. The two-story administration building is <br />approximately 40.062 square feet and the maintenance buildin_~ is approximately 20.000 square feet. The maintenance buildin_~ uses a <br />pre-e _ngineered steel frame. Int~-ior upfit is part of this Pro.iect. Site design ia not included in the Scope of Work. <br />· The' architectural services desoribed in Article 3 will be provided by the following person or entity who is lawfully licensed to practice <br />architecture: <br /> OVam~ and address) (Registration Nttmber) (Relation.~htp to <br /> Design I-Iaus Architect. P.~ <br /> 40 Odell School Road. Suit~ 3 <br /> Concord. NC 28027 <br /> <br />© AIA DOCUMENT Al91 · OWNEK-DF, SIGN/BUILDEK AGREEMENT · SECOND EDtTFON · AIA® · ©1996 THE AMERICAN INS'fl'f UTE OF ARCHITECTS, <br />1735 NEW YORK AVENUE, NW, W~GTON, DC 20006-5292 · WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. copyright laws and is subject to legal <br />prosecution.. This document was electronically produced with p~rmission of thc AIA and can be r~l~Xluced without viol~on until the date of ~xpiratiun as noted b~low. <br /> Electrorflc Format Al91 -1996 <br /> 14 <br /> <br /> <br />