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1.3.2 To the maximum extent allowable under North <br />Carolina architect e _ngineer and desi_m,./build licensing_ law. <br />Drawings, specifications, and other documents and electronic <br />data furnished by the Design/Builder may :,hall not be used by <br />the Owner er ~' ....... ~' ..... ; .... for additions to this <br />Project or for completion of this Project by others, except by <br />ar~ee,,'nent i.-: writ:.,~ and with appropriate compensation to the <br />Design/Builder, unless the Design/Builder is ~ju~ged found <br />to be in default under this Part 2 Agreement er v.,~er ~,y c*~er <br /> <br />1.3.3 lithe Design/Builder defaults in the Design/ <br />Builder's obligations to the Owner, to the maximum extent <br />allowable under North Carolina architect, engineer and <br />desi_m~ouild licensing_ law. the Architect shall grant a license <br />to the Owner to use the drawings, specifications, and other <br />documents and electronic data furnished by the Architect to <br />the Design/Builder for the completion of the Project, <br />conditioned upon the Owner's execution of an agreement to <br />cure the Design/Builder's default ha payment to the Architect <br />for services previously performed and to indemmfy the <br />Architect with regard to claims arising t~om such reuse without <br />the Architect's professional involvement. <br /> <br />1.3.4 Submission or distribution of the Design/Builder's <br />documents to meet official regulatory requirements or for <br />similar purposes in connection with the Project is not to be <br />construed as publication in derogation of the rights reserved in <br />Subparagraph 1.3.1. <br /> <br />ARTICLE 2 <br />OWNER <br /> <br />2.1 The Owner shall designate a representative authorized <br />to act on the Owner's behalf with respect to the Project. The <br />Owner or such authorized representative shall examine <br />documents submitted by the Design/Builder and shall render <br />decisions in a timely manner and in accordance with the <br />schedule accepted by the Owner. The Owner may obtain <br />independent review of the Contract Documents by a separate <br />architect, engineer, contractor, or cost estimator under contract <br />to or employed by the Owner. Such independent review shall <br />be undertaken at the Owner's expense in a timely manner and <br />shall not delay the orderly progress of the Work. <br /> <br />2.2 The Owner may appoint an on-site project <br />representative to observe the Work and to have such other <br />responsibilities as the Owner and Design/Builder agree in <br />whting. <br /> <br />2.3 The Owner shall cooperate with the Design/Builder in <br />securing building and other permits, licenses and inspections. <br />The O:~.mer Desi_ma/Builder shall ~ pay the <br /> <br />fees for such permits, licenses and inspections "~Ce= ~he cost <br /> <br />2.4 The Owner shall fumish services of land surveyors, <br />geotechnical engineers, and other consultants for subsoil, air <br />and water conditions, in addition to those provided under the <br />Part 1 Agreement, when such services are deemed necessary by <br />the Design/Builder to properly carry out the design services <br />required by this Part 2 Agreement. <br /> <br />2.5 The Owner shall disclose, to thc extent known to the <br />Owner, the results and reports of prior tests, inspections or <br />investigations conducted for the Project involving: structural or <br />mechanical systems; chemical, air and water pollution; <br />hazardous materials; or other environmental and subsurface <br />conditions. The Owner shall disclose all information known to <br />the Owner regarding the presence of pollutants at the Project's <br />site. <br /> <br />2.6 The Owner shall furnish all legal, accounting and <br />insurance counseling services as may be necessary at any time <br />for the Project, including such auditing services as-the owner <br />may require to verify the Design/Builder's Applications for <br />Payment. <br /> <br />2.7 Those services, information, surveys and reports · <br />required by Paragraphs 2.4 through 2.6 which are within the <br />Owner's control shall be furnished at the Owner's expense, <br />and the Design/Builder shall be entitled to reasonably rely <br />upon the accuracy and completeness thereof, except to the <br />extent the Owner advises the Design/Builder to the contrary in <br />wining. <br /> <br />2.8 If the Owner requires the Design/Builder to maintain <br />any special insurance coverage, policy, amendment, or rider, <br />the Owner shall pay the additional cost thereof, except as <br />othemdse stipulated in this Part 2 Agreement. <br /> <br />2.9 ~ the Owner observes or otherwise becomes aware of <br />a fault or defect in the Work or nonconformity with the <br />Design/Builder's Proposal or the Construction Documents, the <br />Owner shall endeavor to give prompt :;~cn notice thereof to <br />the Design/Builder: provide& however, that a failure of the <br />Owner to ~ve.such notice shall not affect the duties and <br />responsibilities of the Desi_ma/Builder under this Agreement <br /> <br />2.10 The Owner shall, at the request of the Design/ <br />Builder, prior to execution of this Part 2 Agreement and <br />promptly upon request thereafter, famish to the <br />Design/Builder reasonable evidence that financial <br />arrangements have been made to fulfill the Owner's obligations <br />under the Contract. <br /> <br />W,~tO9165.4 <br /> <br /> <br />