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canceled or allowed to expire until at least 30 days' prior <br />written notice has been given to the Owner. If any of the <br />foregoing insurance coverages are required to remain in force <br />ai~er final payment, an additional certificate evidencing <br />continuation of such coverage shall be submitted with the <br />application for final payment. Information concerning <br />reduction of coverage shall be furnished by the Design/Builder <br />with reasonable promptness in accordance with the <br />Design/Builder's information and belief. <br /> <br />Insert AC: 7.1.4 Prior to commencing any work oil the job <br />site. the Desi_~Bullder shall famish to thc Owner <br />Certificate(s) of Insurance as evidence flint the following <br />insuranc~ is in effect: <br /> <br />7.1.4. ! The Desi_m~Builder's liability_ insurance shall be <br />written for mounts of not less than the following__ and greater <br />if required by law: (1) workers' compensation - Statutory; (2) <br />employer's liability_ - $1.000.000: (3) Commercial General <br />Liability_ (including premises-operations, independent <br />contractor's protective: personal in.iury, products and <br />completed operations: broad form property_ damage (including <br />X. C. U coverage where applicable), contractual, including <br />specified provision for Desi_m'ffBuilder's obligation under <br />11.5.1 of Part 2) - $2,000,000 each occurrence/$2.000,000 <br />general _ag.~_ egate: (.4) Comprehensive Automobile (including <br />non-owned and hired motor vehicles) - $1.000.000 combirlcd <br />singJ_ e limit; (5) Umbrella Liability Coverage - $2.000.000. In <br />the event Owner wants Desi_~tBuilder to increase its Umbrella <br />Liability Coverage to $5.000.000. Desi_m~Builder shall fumish <br />such insurance and a Change Order shall be issued for an <br />amount not to exceed $7.000, " <br /> <br /> Products and completed operations coverage shall be <br />maintained for one year after final payment of retention for <br />work provided under the Contract Documents, or for such <br />lon_~er time as required elsewhere in the Contract Documents. <br /> <br />7.1.5 Errors & Omissions. Coverage of a minimum of <br />$500.000 per occurrence is required. The Desi_mx/Builder shall <br />comply with Errors & Omissions insurance requirements <br />through coverage by the desi~ Architect and Engineer~, <br /> <br />7.1.6' The Owner shall be named as an additional insured on <br />the coverage required in this paxa?a_ ph 7.1. The work,r~' <br />compensation policy for the Desi_mVBuilder shall contain a <br />waiver of subro~tion _against the Owner. <br /> <br />7.1.7 The Desi_an/Builder agr_ ees to deliver to the Owner <br />within 10 days after execution of the Contract certified copies <br />of-all imuranee policies required under this para_m'aph 7.1. <br />unless the Owner agrees to accept certificates of insurance, <br /> <br />Insert AD: 7.1.8 Performance Bond and Payraent Bond._The <br />Desi_mv13uilder shall furnish bonds covering faithful <br />performance of the contract and payment of obligations arishag <br /> <br />thereunder for the Desi_mv13uilder in an amount equal to the <br />Contract Sum. The bonds shall be written on AIA A312 and <br />shall be executed by a responsible surety properly licensed in <br />the state of North Carolirla and acceptable tO the Owner, <br /> <br />7.2 OWNER'S LIABILITY INSURANCE <br /> <br />7.2.1 The Owner shall be responsible for purchasing and <br />maintaining the Owner's usual liability insurance. Optionally, <br />the Owner may purchase and maintain other insurance for self- <br />protection against claims which may arise from operations <br />under this Part 2 Agreement. The Design/Builder shall not be <br />responsible for purchasing and maintaining this optional <br />Owner's liability insurance unless specifically required by the <br />Contract Documents. <br /> <br />7.3 PROPERTY INSURANCE <br /> <br />^ ........ ~ O;~.~r The Desima/Builder shall purchase and <br />maintain, in a company or companies authorized to do <br />business in the jurisdiction in which the principal <br />improvements are to be located, property insurance upon the <br />Work to the full insurable value thereof on a replacement cost <br />basis without optional deductibles. Such property insurance <br />shall be maintained, unless otherwise provided in the Contract <br />Documents or otherwise agreed in writing by all persons and <br />entities who are beneficiaries of such insurance, until final <br />payment has been made or until no person or entity other than <br />the Owner has an insurable interest in the property required by <br />this Paragraph 7.3 to be insured, whichever is earlier. This <br />insurance shall include interests of the Owner, the <br />Design/Builder, and their respective contractors and <br />subcontractors in the Work. <br /> If the prope~_ insurance requires deductibles, the <br />Owner shall pay eom not covered because of such <br />deductibles. The terms of this coverag_e shall include a <br />maximum $500 deductible of any insured loss. and the amount <br />of this deductible and any other losses not specifically covered <br />· by the policy_ shall be borne by the Desi_en/Builder. <br /> <br />7.3.2 Property insurance shall be on an all-risk policy form <br />and shall insure against the perils of fire and extended <br />coverage and physical loss or damage including without <br />duplication of coverage, theft, vandalism, malicious mischief, <br />collapse, falsework, temporary buildings and debris removal <br />including demolition occasioned by enforcement of any <br />applicable legal requirements, and shall cover reasonable <br />compensation for the services and expenses of the <br />Design/Builder's Architect and other professionals required as <br />a result of such insured loss. Coverage for other perils shall <br />not be required unless otherwise provided in the Contract <br />Documents. <br /> <br /> <br />