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obligation of the Desi~/Builder to correct the Work, and has <br />no relationship to the time within which the obligation to <br />comply with the Contract Documents may be sought to be <br />enforced, nor to the time within which proceedings may be <br />commenced to establish the Design/Builder's liability with <br />respect to the Design/Builder's obligations other than <br />specifically to correct the Work. <br /> <br />8.4 If the Desi~VBuilder fails to correct nonconformJn~ <br />Work ss required or fails to carry out Work in sccordance with <br />the Contract Documents, the Owner, by written order si~ned <br />personally or by an a~cnt specificslly so empowered by the <br />Owner in writin~ may order the Design/Builder to stop the <br />Work, or sny portion thereof, until the cause for such order hss <br />been eliminsted; however, the Owner's right to stop the Work <br />shall not ~ive rise to a duty on the psrt of the Owner to <br />exercise the ri~t for benefit of the Desi~3uilder or other <br />persons or entities. <br /> <br />9.5 If thc Design/Builder defaults or neglects to carry out <br />the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents and fails <br />within seven (7) days after receipt of written notice [rom the <br />Owner to commence and continue correction of such default or <br />neglect with diligence and promptness, the Owner may give a <br />second written notice to the Design/Builder and, seven (7) <br />days following receipt by the Design/Builder of that second <br />written notice and without prejudice to other remedies the <br />Owner may have, correct such deficiencies. In such case an <br />appropriate Change Order shall be issued deducting from <br />payments then or thereafter due the Design/Builder, the costs <br />of correcting such deficiencies. If the payments then or <br />thereafter due the Design/Builder are not sufficient to cover <br />the amount of the deduction, the Design/Builder shall pay the <br />difference to the Owner. Such action by the Owner shall be <br />subject to dispute resolution procedures ss provided in Article <br />10. <br /> <br /> ARTICLE 10 <br /> DISPUTE RESOLUTION-- <br /> MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION <br /> <br />10.1 ,m~;-~ ,~; ........... ~. ....... : ....... ;~. ~. ....... <br /> <br />~ ~d De~i~uilder ~ee to put fo~ <br />to resolve i~o~ly ~11 &spu~ ~s~ ~ or relat~ to <br />· e Con. ct D~en~ or ~e ~o~ect. ~ ~v dispu~ ~ot <br />be resolved ~o~ly. ~e ~er ~d Desi~l~r ~ee to <br />submit ~e di~ut~ tO'm~ation ~d~ ~e au~pi~ ~ ~les of <br />· e ~vs~ ~u~c~ion Center (~e 'PAC"). <br /> <br />Carolina. with a mediator chosen jointly, before _ta'oceedir~_ to <br />any other form of dispute resolution. The mediation shall be <br />hekl ir~ Cabarrus County. North Carolina. unless another <br />location is mutually _a~reed upon. A~r_ cements reached in <br />mediation shall be enforceable as settlement agr_ cements in any <br />eour~ having jurisdiction thereof. <br /> <br />^~- ........ 1;-;+~+;~.. Notwithstandir~_ an_v language in the <br />Contract Documents to the contrary_, at the Owner's sole <br />option, any dispute arising_ under or relating to the Contra~ <br />~Ocuments or the Project and not resolved pursmmt to <br />paragraph 10.1. shall be resolved by private adjudication under <br />the auspices and rules 0fthe Private Adjudication'Center (.the <br />"PAC"). Durham. North Carolina. All fees of the PAC shall be <br />borne equally b_v the parties to the dispute. The Owner and <br />Desi_~/Builder agr_ ee to be bound by any award made by the <br />PAC in the adjudication of any claim or dispute described <br />herein. The private adjudication shall be held in Gabarr~ <br />County. North Carolina. unless another location is mutually <br /> <br />~ ........ ';--;+~+;~-~ No~md~ ~v urohsiom to <br />· e con~. it is ~e ~nt of~esc Con~t Doc~en~ is to <br />~lly comply ~ No~ C~olm <br />· e m~m momt h con~ove~y for a p~i~l~ ~spu~ <br />ms~ out of~ co--ct or com~ction process is $15.000. <br />· en ~e ~spum resolution proced~es set fo~ h~e~ s~ll be <br />amilable to all p~i,~ ~volved <br />~clu~ ~e ~c~tec[ Desi~l~r. ~n~cto~ <br />Subeon~tors. ~ lo~ ~ ~e ~er is a p~ to ~e dispute. <br />· e O~ s~l p~v for one-~d of ~e co~t of ~e ~spum <br />r~olution procesm <br />dispum m w~eh csse ~ ~er ~11 p~v for h~f of such <br />C06~, <br /> <br />0.4 .*.~ arSit."at!cn p=:u~-~ tc tFd: .*.'*.icl: ma)' 5: j oL'::d <br /> <br />~Mg9163.4 <br /> <br /> <br />