<br />
<br /> UPON MOTION of Co~unissioner Fennel, seconded by Vice Chairman Carruth
<br />and unanimously carried, the Board moved to adopt the Livable Community
<br />Blueprint as a general and flexible guide for the development of parks and
<br />recreation facilities and bicycle and pedestrian transportation routes.
<br />Implementation of the plan will be subject to the availability of funds and
<br />based on the priorities and goals established by the Board of Commissioners.
<br />
<br /> Mr. Little reviewed the proposed budget for Parks and Recreation,
<br />including Administration, Frank Liske Park, North Cabarrus Park and Camp
<br />Spencer (scheduled to open on March 1, 2003). Also, the following projects
<br />are included in the FY 2003 Capital Improvement Plan: Harrisburg School Park
<br /> $224,000.00; Frank Liske Park - $57,500%00; and Camp Spencer - $218,500.00.
<br />
<br />Budget Review - Cabarrus Arena and Events Center
<br />
<br /> · Mr. Clifton discussed plans for the County Fair to be held in September
<br />at the new Expo. A number of tents will be utilized for such exhibits as
<br />livestock, small animals, etc. Deggeller Operations will be completing the
<br />final year of its contract as carnival operator.
<br />
<br /> Ms. Mary Ann Cooper, Fair Manager, presented an overview of
<br />preparations that are under way for the 50=h Annual Cabarrus County Fair
<br />scheduled on September 7 - 14, 2002.
<br />
<br /> Mr. Mark Chappuis, Expo General Manager, discussed opening day
<br />activities for the Fair and planned entertainment during the Fair.
<br />
<br /> Ms. Debbie Bost, Cooperative Extension Director, reported on the new
<br />website that is being developed for the County Fair. She will demonstrate the
<br />website at the meeting on June 17.
<br />
<br /> Mr. Chappuis reviewed the FY 2003 budget proposal for the Arena and
<br />Events Center and the Fair, including staffing plans, initial start-up costs
<br />and operational budget.
<br />
<br />Expo - Construction Update
<br />
<br /> Mr. Clifton and Mr. Mike Downs, Director of Public Safety Services,
<br />presented the following update on Expo construction:
<br />
<br /> Construction Budget 20,106,206.00
<br /> Total Cost to Date 18~146,533.00
<br /> Pending Items Under Consideration 568,874.00
<br /> Available Funds 1,399,799.00
<br /> 2% Contingency Fund in Construction Bid 309,122.00
<br /> Total Available Funds 1,699,921.00
<br />
<br />Additional items'needed to complete the project are as follows:
<br />
<br />Estimated Costs
<br />
<br />Revisions to Events Center 50,000.0'0
<br />Fencing 30,321.00
<br />Conununications/Data 125,000.00
<br />Office/Meeting Building Upfit 550,000.00
<br />Midway Plaza Paving/Entry Pylons 200,000.00
<br />Site Landscaping 100,000.00
<br />Signs 300,000.00
<br />Finish Bleachers/Platforms
<br />Midway Power and Lights
<br /> TOTAL 1,355,321.00
<br />
<br /> There was brief discussion regarding parking at the Expo facility and
<br />plans to use portable stalls for horse shows at the Arena.
<br />
<br /> Mr. Downs reported that the following bids were received for fencing
<br />around the Midway area at the Expo: Allison Fence Company - $30,321.30;
<br />Cabarrus Fence Company - $36,269.00; and Wilson Fence Company - $42,535.00.
<br />
<br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Fennel, seconded by Commissioner Suggs and
<br />unanimously carried, the Board awarded the fencing contract to Allison Fence
<br />Company in the amount of $30,321.30 and approved the following Change Orders
<br />to.the contract with Matthews Construction, Inc. for the Cabarrus Arena and
<br />Events Center.
<br />
<br />Change Order Request 032 - Upper Level Seating and Platforms - $206,575.00
<br />Change Order Request 045 - Eliminate Floor Drains/Arena - (6,367.00)
<br />
<br />
<br />