Laserfiche WebLink
which are currently available to users of the World Wide Web portion of the Intemet, and any <br />ticketing property, feature, product or acquired by Ticketmaster or its affiliates that may be6ome <br />available subsequent to the Effective Date including, without limitation, any co-branded versions <br />and any version distributed through any broadband distribution platform or through any platform <br />or device including television, broadband and wireless technologies (collectively, the "TM.corn <br />Website"). <br /> <br /> (i) Outlet: A retail Ticket selling agency (other than the Facility Box Office) <br />where Tickets for an Attraction are made available and offered for sale to the public through the <br />TM System. <br /> <br /> 0) Software: The ticketing System software provided by Ticketmaster to <br />Principal known as Ticketmaster Classic, and any new versions thereof that are generally <br />provided by Ticketmaster to comparable clients, which Principal shall have access to in <br />connection with the sale of Tickets through the TM System. <br /> <br /> (k) Telephone Sales: All sales of Tickets through the TM System by <br />telephone; interactive voice response (IVR) and similar means. <br /> <br /> (1) TM System: The Hardware, Software, the' Website, related <br />procedures and personnel, and repair and maintenance services established and maintained by <br />Ticketmaster and its affiliates for the purpose of selling, auditing and controlling the sale of <br />Tickets for Attractions, including, without limitation, at Outlets, by Internet Sales and Telephone <br />Sales. <br /> <br /> (m) Ticket: A printed, electronic or other type of evidence of the right to <br />occupy space at or to enter or attend an Attraction, including, without limitation, tickets printed <br />at home or elsewhere by the purchaser even if not evidenced by any physical manifestation of <br />such right, such as a "smart card." <br /> <br /> (n) Ticket Printing Charge: The amount Ticketmaster charges to Principal <br />to print, sell or otherwise issue Tickets utilizing the TM System. <br /> <br /> (o) <br />Printing Charge. <br /> <br />Ticket Receipts: The Face Value of a Ticket less the applicable Ticket <br /> <br /> 2. Term of Agreement, The initial term of this Agreement shall begin on the <br />Effective Date and shall continue through the third (3rd) anniversary hereof (the "Term"). <br />Thereafter, the Term of this Agreement shall automatically be renewed for successive three (3) <br />year periods unless either party hereto notifies the other party in writing, not less than ninety (90) <br />nor more than one hundred and twenty (120) days prior to the end of the initial Term or the then <br />Current renewal period, of its intention not to renew this Agreement. Each twelve (12) month <br />period commencing on August ( ) and continuing through the following August ( ) shall <br />be a "Contract Year" as such term is used herein. <br /> <br /> 3. Compensation. In consideration for the license by Ticketmaster of the Hardware <br />and Software to Principal and the license by Ticketmaster to Principal of the right to deeplink to <br />the Website granted herein and Ticketmaster's continuing services to be performed in <br />connection herewith, Ticketmaster shall be entitled to receive the fees and compensation <br /> 2 <br />C:\WINDOW$\Desktop\Cabarrus Arena LUA Final 081702.doc <br /> <br /> <br />