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planning and Zoning Commission rvlinutes <br />.luly 18, 2002 <br /> <br />Page 7 <br /> <br />Mr. Motley said make it four houses because they have some <br />grandchildren that might sometime what to live there on the family <br />property. He said they will agree to four. <br /> <br />Mr. Griffin asked Mr. Motley if he was completely aware of the <br />problems that may arise with the airport there and the industrial <br />development. <br /> <br />Mr. Motley said they are good neighbors to the airport because <br />they took nine acres of their property to build the airport. <br /> <br />Mr. Hill asked Mr, Motley would he be willing to build the airport <br />sound barrier that they may have to put in because he have built <br />four more houses there. He asked Mr. Motley would he be willing <br />to undertake that. <br /> <br />Mr. Motley said his property sets parallel with the airport. They are <br />not on the flight path going in or doming out. He said the noise is <br />not going to be a factor there. <br /> <br />Mr. Wilder said to Mr. Motley that he was a part of that change <br />before. He asked what was his purpose for coming before the <br />Board then and changing it. He asked him what did he have in <br />mind at that time? <br /> <br />Mr. Motley said they did that because they wanted the whole area <br />from Rocky River all the way to Poplar Tent Road to be zoned. He <br />said sometime in the future they wanted it to be one business park <br />from Rocky River on the south side to Poplar Tent 'Road, which <br />involved four or five pieces of property. Hr. Motley said they <br />suggested that it would be better to do it all at one time than to try <br />to piecemeal the whole thing. <br /> <br />Mr. Wilder said to Mr. Motley when he came before the Board in <br />1997 did he ever think that he would ever leave this piece of <br />property or did he think he would be staying there for his lifetime. <br /> <br />Mr, Motley said as he said before since they owned the property he <br />did not have any idea that this would affect them building a home <br />there. <br /> <br /> <br />