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Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes <br />December 18~ 1997 <br /> <br />Page 26 <br /> <br />need an amendment. Finally, you would have an option with tbJs <br />number of parcels of approving the rezoning of some of these <br />parcels and not others. The practical difficulty is you have a single <br />concept plan. If you approve this rezoning and approve 7 of 8 <br />parcels, then with that eighth parcel which is part of this concept <br />plan, you basically have disapproved the entire petition. <br /> <br />The Chair a'sked ff it is approved with conditions of studying and <br />amending the Western Area Plan that wOuld it go before the <br />Commissioners for study and amendment? <br /> <br />Mr. Marshall said depending on the vote or the option chosen on <br />denial, approval Without amending the plan, and depending on <br />your vote, it may or may not go to the Commissioners or it could <br />be appealed to the CommisSioners. <br /> <br />There being no further cOmments, Mr. Hobbs MOTIONED to <br />.approve Petition 97-19 contingent upon 1) the traffic be restricted <br />to interior 'roads with minimum access to Derita Road; 2) the <br />Western Area' Plan be amended to incorporate the three <br />paragraphs as stated by Mr. Marshall; and 3) with the conditions <br />the applicant has placed upon themselves as submitted, seconded <br />-bY Mr, Kiefer. <br /> <br />Mr. Marshall .said he would like to point out to the Board the first <br />condition Mr. Hobbs mentioned the traffic only from interior <br />roads, would be a condition that has not been offered by the <br />petitioners. 'He said for Mr. Hobbs to inClude that, the petitioners <br />would have to be agreeable to thaL <br /> <br />The applicant's were not agreeable with the condition. <br /> <br />Mr. 'Hobbs withdrew his motion and Mr. Kiefer withdrew his <br />second. <br /> <br />Mr. Starnes MOTIONED to Table Petition 97-19 pending further <br />study. <br /> <br />The Chair said ~his petition was tabled at the last meeting and it <br />cannot be tabled again. <br /> <br /> <br />