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484 <br /> <br />minimal buffering required by the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Newton stated in his <br />opinion the revised plan was not responsible and disregarded the effects on <br />neighbors, the future Concord Mills Mall and anyone traveling in the area. In <br />conclusion, he pointed out that the Poplar Tent Beautification District Advisory <br />Board had not reviewed nor made recommendations regarding the proposed changes <br />to the Western Area Plan although a portion of the site lies within the District. <br /> <br /> Mr. Don Stafford, resident of Beech Bluff Subdivision, asked that the Board <br />protect the residents and give a reasonable transition between the proposed <br />industrial park and the residents of Beech Bluff. <br /> <br /> Dr. David Hartgen, resident of Beech Bluff and Professor of Transportation <br />Studies at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, addressed <br />transportation concerns. He stated the proposal puts more traffic on a two-lane <br />rural road (10,000 vehicles per day) than is capable of being carried by a four- <br />lane urban arterial (40,000 to 45,000 vehicles per day). He stated in his opinion <br />there is no way the proposal if built can be served by the road system as planned <br />now or likely to be proposed or improved in the future by the Department Of <br />Transportation. Dr. Hartge~ stressed the need to have a plan to put the <br />infrastructure in place prior to allowing that kind of development. <br /> <br /> Mr. John McNeill, resident of Derita Road, expressed concern about the <br />proposed development. He questioned notification to the residents of Twin Creeks <br />and Mistywood Subdivisions and asked what happens to those families and <br />investments when they are surrounded by industrial property. <br /> <br /> Mr. Mark Oden, resident of Beech Bluff, opposed the rezoning. He expressed <br />concerns about increased traffic in the area and possible construction in the <br />flood plain. <br /> <br /> Mr. Khan Masud, fourth grade student at Odell Elementary and resident of <br />adjoining subdivision, opposed the rezon~ng and the development of an industrial <br />park. Stating he and his friends play in the woods along the river, Khan <br />expressed concern that the proposed park will destroy the homes of the deer, <br />rabbits and birds in the area. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tim Masud, resident of Beech Bluff, opposed the rezoning. He stated in <br />his opinion it is wrong to develop industrial park adjaoen: to a residential <br />area. Also, he expressed concern about the use of Rocky River as a buffer and <br />the amount of waste and run off that will go into the river. Mr. Masud stated the <br />area is not ready for a project of that magnitude and questioned the need for the <br />rezoning as'there are 150 acres of adjacent undeveloped industrial land. <br /> <br /> Ms. Vivian Lord stated understanding of the need for industrial development <br />and for owners to be able to sell their land. However, she stated the need for <br />a transition area to protect her family as well as the other families in the <br /> <br /> Mr. Leo Berube, resident of Beech Bluff, commented on the inappropriateness <br />of mixing general industrial uses with residential uses. He addressed existing <br />traffic and infrastructure problems in the ares and asked that the Board revisit <br />the Western Area Plan. Mr. Berube stated he would not be opposed to the rezoning <br />if the two parcels adjacent to Beech Bluff remain residential. <br /> <br /> Mr. Fred Campbell stated his suppor: for planned orderly growth and <br />development. He asked the Board to revisit the Western Area Plan before taking <br />action on the proposed rezoning. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cecil Wilkie, resident of Twin Creeks and Derita Road Land owner, <br />supported the rezoning and the proposed business park. <br /> <br /> Mr. Dewayne Jordan, Assistant Aviation Director for. Concord Regional <br />Airport, addressed the rapid growth of the airport and the need to protect the <br />airport overlay zone. He advised that the required flight pattern is over the <br />property and stated in his opinion it would be better to have business and <br />industrial development at that site rather than residential. <br /> <br /> Ms. Grace Mynatt, Chair Of the Cabarrus County Board of Education, provided <br />school impact information regarding the Derita Road property. Using the County <br />formula of .6 children per household and four houses per acre, she stated .the <br />residential development of the property would yTeld 1020 children. Ms. Mynatt <br />gave the following current info~mation regarding nearby schools: Northwest High <br />School will be over capacity next year and 46 percent over capacity by 2005; <br />Northwest Middle School will be at capacity next year and 42 percent over <br /> <br /> <br />